
Heralds of Spring [Pack Meeting]



9 Years
Athena I
07-13-2017, 04:17 PM

Kalliope hadn't dared let Etain get more than a few inches from her all morning. She had kept both of the children on a pretty short leash ever since Viho disappeared, but when she woke up to Ronen missing as well she clung to Etain like it was all she had left in her life... which wasn't far from the truth. When she heard Regulus' howl Kalli sighed and pulled herself to her paws. "Come on, sweetie, we can't be late for the meeting." She was used to walking a bit slower now to let Etain keep up, but Etain was getting older and bigger now. In a way she was glad, but on the other hand she was sad as well. It was possible these would be her only children and to see them grow up so fast... it broke her heart. She found her way to the meeting easily enough.

The path from their den to here was a well known one to her now. She searched for Castiel's scent to join him, but as she was making her way between the wolves in the crowd her sensitive ears caught a small voice begging those around her for information about what they were seeing. It stopped her in her tracks and she heard her own voice as a child echoed back in the voice of this pup. Of course it could just be that whoever this was couldn't see past someone else in the crowd, but she had a feeling that wasn't the case. "Go sit with dad, I'll be right there," she instructed her daughter as she turned back toward the voice, quickly noticing the scents of the family that it belonged to. She tried to pick out the oldest of the group, the mother she assumed, and gave her a small nod of greeting in her general direction. "Hello there. I just overheard... I just wanted to say I could help. If you want. I'm Kalliope. I know a lot of tricks and tips I could share." She smiled softly and dipped her head again before she turned and went to join Castiel and Etain.

"Talk" "You" Think