
Spring Fever[Meeting]



3 Years
07-15-2017, 04:55 PM

Wolves began to filter in, and Heather would make note of who was here and who wasn't. She hadn't seen her aunt Amalia in some time. Something that was disheartening, but Heather knew her mind had to remain focused. Her ears flicked as she watched Carletta and her father, she could kind of guess what was going on. Part of her didn't like it, the other half was glad now that he wasn't king anymore perhaps there was the possibility of siblings in her future? The happiness of her father meant a lot to her, same as her family. Arch was actually the first to greet her with words. A soft smile on her face to the man as the words sent shivers down her spine. Queen. Was it just a word that really got her that excited she didn't know.

Her father was next to arrive though she gave a soft laugh. "I'm still the same old daughter that you know dad." she said as she watched him move away. Lionel's greeting was far more personal, the nuzzle on the cheek as the archduke sat beside her. She had no intention of changing his rank, after all Lionel was her rock. He kept her grounded and as the rest of the more silent members filtered in. Heather stood up and took in a deep breath. Leaving a soft smile on her face.

"Today's season marks the third birthday of me and my siblings. With that, a change in leadership. I know all of you have been going through tough times as of late and the borders have been a bit alarming, but I want you to know no matter what the pack is a family and we are here for you." she greeted them with that. "I don't intend to change much about the pack for now, I want to preserve's Fiori's peaceful lifestyle for future generations. Yet I do think, with the coming of spring it is a time we need wolves to pick up the pace. Get out of your shell, if you see a loner try recruiting them to the pack. We could use the numbers. " she noted looking at all of them. "Now some ranks have moved around, Leo my father as you know has retired from being king. He's going to remain as a squire unless he wants to try for a higher rank. Lionel my brother will remain as Archduke. What I really want to announce is Archelaus has been promoted to Knight. His mother previously held the position and last meeting I was watching him very carefully that I thought hard about the decision. I look forward to seeing him in action over the position." She smiled, waiting to see a few reactions or two before she continued.

"Sad to say as well, as many of you may know we have some wolves missing. Amalia I haven't seen in some time, so, for now, I am demoting her from her head healer position to a normal healer. Should someone see her and if she wants the position back contact me and I hope she is well." Her eyes moved over Amalia's immediate family for a minute. Especially Athena a role model that Heather had held dear for some time. "That's all I have for ranks, but I implore you if you are interested in a higher rank let me know. The pack needs the help." she nodded her head.

"I'm sure many of you have noticed the new scents near the weeping woods. Some of you alarmed, the pack that is now bordering us is Dragoste. It's alpha is Ganta, my sister Roza is his mate. So we must treat them with respect and peace. They won't bother us, there's no need to panic. It also adds a bit of security to that side of the border. I plan on talking to Ganta soon about a potential alliance unless any of you have objections. I also will be patrolling the borders often, as I expect that of Lionel and Arch as well to ensure that we don't have any more uninvited visitors." she tried to reassure them. "One last thing before I release you or take questions. I've decided that we will start celebrating birthdays of yearlings. Becoming a year old is a big deal to some and I feel like yearlings should be made to feel comfortable. Bluemoon we didn't get to celebrate your birthday so consider this season special to celebrate with me and my siblings. I want the pack to hunt for nice prey and sometimes this spring I'll call us together to feast and have a bit of fun at the falls. I'll try and organize some games as well. With that, this meeting has come to an end, if you have any concerns, questions or want to speak with me let me know."


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.