
We're the ones that made you



6 Years
Extra large

07-15-2017, 10:55 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2017, 10:59 PM by Elias.)

When the child's less-than-pleased mother and two other siblings piled in, Elias immediately felt his blood pressure begin to rise as his muscles tensed beneath his short coat, causing them to prickle his fur slightly above his shoulders. It was reactionary, as the circumstance became immediately uncomfortable. He did not blame Odette in the slightest for being so upset, but it frustrated him how little he could do to properly correct his actions.

He knew no apology would ever be strong enough to take away the damage his actions had caused them, he'd already lost so many that once loved him-- Odette had been a stranger. She did not know him prior and had no idea of his nature, of his history, of the way his mind worked; and Elias did not expect her to care, either. There was an internal longing for a different circumstance to have occurred, some way for him to explain himself and guarantee it would not happen again.. but, there was no guarantee.

This understanding left him in an awkward situation, staring at the faces of who he assumed to be three of his children.. only one of them having even a hint of a clue on who he was. His eyes flashed from them to the eyes of Odette, his expression calm and emotionless. He took one respectful step back, away from Odette and their children. He felt choked for words, standing there with an awkward posture- his haunches lower to the ground from scooting back and the forelimb below the scars on his chest raised just slightly.

"Odette, I am so sorry. Let me explain. I am not who you think I am, and there are things you need to know.. about what lies in their blood. I never meant to..." He had almost went into details until he remembered the young ears listening, causing his own to fold downward as he decided not to complete his sentence. "Let me talk to you. Please. I know you do not owe me anything, but I am begging you.. for their sake. There are things you need to know."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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