
i wonder



7 Years
Extra large
07-16-2017, 09:27 AM
Diarmuid stood as motionless as a stone until his call was answered. First by Domari, thankfully. He'd been hoping to get the story out of him before having to question a stranger about where his... friend might be. He wasn't sure what else to classify the boy as, if someone asked. In a way, he was more like family, but to call him a son would be.. ah, well, no need to rationalize that one right now. His expression cracked when Domari's features came into view, noting immediately that he looked bashful. Perhaps a bit embarrassed that he'd come here without letting Diarmuid know? He couldn't blame him, and wouldn't fault the boy for not checking in with him. He was fully grown now, after all, and though Diarmuid still felt responsible for him he was very much his own man now - as much as the thought displeased him.

He returned the grin with a gentler one of his own, his expression rather stoic still - though it was difficult to mask the warmth that shone through his crimson gaze. "I'd say so," he commented with an air of playfulness, his tail flicking lightly behind him. He was pretty sure he couldn't be angry with the Xanilov children, no matter what they did; he'd sworn himself to serve them willingly until his last breath, no matter what paths they chose. "This place-" Diarmuid made a grand gesture with his head, sweeping his gaze across the plains. "Is this your home now?" On his scent he caught a whiff of Alarik, too, but he'd save that question for next.