
controlling me



10 Years
Extra large
07-20-2017, 10:58 AM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2017, 11:00 AM by Áki.)
Áki didn't immediately notice that anything out of the ordinary was going on inside Elias's head. Perhaps his lack of awareness of how others might be feeling, when it wasn't apparently obvious, was one of his downfalls - he tended to be a bit selfish in that way. He caught the tail-ended of Elias bringing himself to all fours, but he was oblivious to if he'd been sitting or if he'd been fallen; truthfully he didn't think much about his previous state, only him as he stood now. He looked very much ready for a hunt, and he confirmed that verbally. Áki's grin, as unabashed as could be, widened at his affirmation. Only after a long moment did he recognize something strange in Elias's demeanor, though it was hardly enough to dwell on for long. A bit of nervousness, perhaps? It was unlike the sort of creature he had presented himself as before, though perhaps it was merely a fluke. He too felt a bit odd at the prospect of a hunt with a friend, a stranger, and a feline on top of it.

"I think you're right," he agreed eagerly. It wouldn't be the easiest hunt in the world, but sometimes the hardest things were the most rewarding, and the idea of a rigorous hunt was extremely appealing to him now. It was apparent then that he didn't know the female wolf and the feline that had arrived too, or at least it didn't seem so, and his gaze turned to the canine as she spoke up.

He spent a moment appreciating the younger woman's impressive markings, not terribly unlike the ones he bore, ashen grey and deep crimson red. Her presence was appreciated in its odd familiarity, though he doubted she was anyone with any relation to him at all. He listened as she spoke with her companions and offered up what information they had. It was certainly a start, if nothing else. "Did they spot any that might be injured?" Aki asked curiously, his ears flicking as he glanced sideways at Natha. "Or do you think it'd be best to go for one of the younger calves? Three wolves might be pushing it. Unless this one will be much help.. can't say I've ever hunted with one of your kind before." His words weren't disdainful, merely curious, as he glanced back at Natha now, wondering if she would offer up any words.

table by argent/neffs