
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]

Marina I


7 Years
07-21-2017, 02:39 PM
Marina had been out, her brilliant pink and red gaze shining in the darkness as she walked. She had finally told Chasm about the truth behind his siblings… about how she’d been raped by the male who called himself Satan… but she had not told him the secret fear she had. The fear she had of the growing children. Each seemed… quirky she supposed was the best way to put it. She hadn’t meant to dote so much on Argus, but as the runt it was hard for her not to worry about her special little daughter. It seemed as though Ochitsu was still silent to the day and, Azazel… did he perhaps resent her for the attention she managed to lavish the girls in? Was it because the males reminded her more of the man that raped her, their father, that she found it harder to connect with them?

The rainbow marked femme gave a soft sigh; she was getting too old for all this drama. She just wanted to raise her babies, pretty much rest on them like a mother hen on her chicks, and never let them out into the darkness of the world. But even as she thought of this Marina caught the sounds of movement along the Moor. She found herself testing the air for the scents and when she caught them she bristled. Strangers. Other pack wolves. She threw her head back, letting out a loud warning howl for Celestial and it’s wolves. Danger was approaching!

Then Marina began to charge headlong at the wolf who seemed to be leading the raid party. He was young, perhaps about the age of her first litter of children… and Marina found her lips lifting in a snarl. How dare he… how dare he bring these wolves here, when there were hardly but babies and apprentices about? She wasn’t sure who, or how fast others would gather, but one could be sure as Hell that she was going to fight tooth and claw for her pack. The pack that, against everything she would have thought, accepted her and her children, made sure they were safe.

Now it was time to repay that debt.

Marina slowed once she was roughly three meters away from the strangers, tail raised high and her snarl on the wind. “Turn back now!” She warned, her eyes glinting dangerously. If Regulus got here there would be no doubt that there would be a scuffle… and while Marina would fight if she had to the female preferred a bloodless encounter. She had her babies to think about after all.

Ooc:: Anyone in Talis can feel free to start the fight with Marina. <3 I'm just lazy about making the first move~

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]