
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



11 Years
07-21-2017, 07:49 PM
The call of a female caught Castiel’s attention as he lay in the den with his mate and daughter in the middle of the night. He woke with a start, blinking his golden eyes as he rose swiftly. Trouble. His gaze shifted to Kalliope, speaking swiftly. “Kalli, gather your herbs and be prepared for when I come back. Etain, stay with your mother.” The brute then left the den, swiftly moving in the direction of which the rainbow mark female had called for the pack.

Luckily she was not alone, yet neither was the enemy. A female drew his attention, as well as the brown male… Bastards. Coming to invade their territory? Castiel narrowed his eyes, protective nature surging in. Marina had just recently had a litter… he’d seen them at the meeting. He’d be damned if he let anyone hurt the older mother. She had a total of six children here in Celestial with her… though Cas had to admit he was proud to see the woman taking a stand for their pack.

Castiel didn’t think attacking a younger, spry wolf would necessarily go well, be hell, the older male wasn’t going to sit there and just allow them to turn tail and leave their pack without some battle wounds to remember them by. He was sick of these other wolves thinking they could just mess with his pack... His home! The male brought his tail over his back, baring his fangs as he put on an extra burst of speed. The female he was targeting was a monochrome colored femme, green eyes, and he ate up the ground between them, or at least tried to.

The female was holding her ground, just as Marina was, and Castiel let out a warning snarl as he aimed to come barreling straight into the she-wolf. His golden eyes were narrowed, ears pinned, claws biting into the soil as he ran… his hackles were raised and his tail moved like a banner behind him, aiding his balance. Things were going to go down. Castiel was aiming to hit her dead center in the chest with his right shoulder, thrusting the bone forward in hopes of causing more than a little bruising. He also twisted his head up towards his right and up, hoping to snap his jaws down upon the young woman’s right ear and tear with enough force to damage it, if not tear it away from her body. Even if he lost this fight, the brute swore, she would remember him.

Castiel versus Valdis For Talis’ Raid on Celestial and Maim [Removal of Right Ear]
Round:: 1/??
Height:: 39”
Build:: Heavy

Ooc:: Love you Luns! <3 Good luck!