
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-21-2017, 09:02 PM

Valdís didn't have to wait for orders.  Another male showed up and another close behind and she quickly set her defenses, hoping the rest of Talis would show up soon.  She wasn't overly fond of being outnumbered.  Valdís lowered her head to align with her spine, shifting her tail up to do the same as her shoulders rolled forward, her neck scrunching back to push fur and fat over her vitals.  Her chin tucked slightly and her hackles stood on end.  She growled, her limbs spreading equidistant apart, bent slightly to lower her center of gravity and to prepare her to spring into action at a moments notice.  Her weight settled equally across her limbs as her toes splayed, her claws digging into the earth.  Valdís wrinkled her brow in a snarl, her ears pinning tightly to her head as her emerald eyes narrowed.

Celestial was the first to attack with a large, old man attacking her head on.  She saw the intent in his eyes that this was more than just a simple dominance match.  This man wanted to hurt her, brutally.  Well, then she would return the favor.  She was used to others wanting to hurt her and she wasn't going to start rolling over now.

As the man charged so did Valdís.  As he shifted to line his right shoulder with the center of her chest she shuffled to her own right in an attempt both displace the man's attack and to line the front of her left shoulder with the crook of his shoulder where his right shoulder connected to the right side of his chest.  She aimed to launch her left shoulder forward into this nook with enough force to cause severe bruising and to tear the ligaments [counter].  Hopefully, the injury would slow and cripple his movements.  He was elderly after all, and she knew old men always complained about their aching joints.  Well, if she succeeded he'd really have an ache to complain about.  

In addition she thrust the center of her chest forward hoping to striking the left side of the man's chest, her goal to cause moderate bruising and perhaps to knock the air out of his lungs with her momentum.  She exhaled swiftly before what she hoped would be impact so she wouldn't knock the breath from her own lungs.  He was larger, true, but he was also much older and she hoped that her youth and hardiness would aid her in this endeavor.  Simultaneously, as her weight shifted to her left front leg and her hindlegs for her shoulder throw she sought to lift her right foreleg so she could try to slam her right forepaw down on the man's left forepaw in the hopes of spraining some toes.

The man's jaws lanced toward her head but her shift in position would leave his jaws on the left side of her head but her left ear was still vulnerable, even pinned, and so she sought to counter his attack.
Valdís raised her head and twisted it inward, jaws aiming to connect with the left side of Castiel's face.  Her upper fangs sought to piece his left eye, in the hopes of permanently blinding him in that eye, her lower fangs sought to hook into the flesh just below his left cheek where she sought to cause deep puncture wounds.  She hoped to snap her jaws together in a tight grip on the man's face and to give herself some leverage in this fight.   They wanted a vicious crusader and that was what she was going to give them.  Any scar, any maim, any missing piece would be nothing but badges, marks of experience gained.  She'd been reared a fighter from the day she could walk and she sure as hell was going to die as one if that was what it came to.

Valdís vs Castiel for MAIM [piercing and blinding of left eye]
Rd. 1 of 3
Height: 37"
Build: Medium

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