
I Walk Alone...


07-01-2013, 03:10 AM
Squall kept his gaze on Loccian as she spoke. Body language betraying nothing but a smooth composure. His eyes showed no other emotion, he was a rather serious epitome. He observed the angry she-wolf, the look in her eyes clearly showed the dislike she had for him. He hadn't intended to anger her, in fact he was trying his hardest to be as polite as he could. An action most unusual to him. Curbing his usually sharp tongue and attitude was a rarity. Few if any witnessed such a thing from him. However, thinking back on his actions, he figured now that he shouldn't have attacked the grey brute. Even if it seemed to Squall that he was being a little rude. Then again, Squall always perceived that from others he came across. Even now, as much as he wanted to make a stinging reply in defense, he decided to suck it up. Besides, he wouldn't talk back rudely to a girl. Even if they pissed him off, unless it was a girl who was completely rude and evil and deserved to die.

The silent warrior nodded respectfully as Loccian finished speaking. He had remained silent the entire time, not speaking or allowing his sight to wander. Even if he wanted to give a death glare to Pontifex. However, he pushed that feeling from his mind as well. Ellone had once told him to forgive if he wanted to be a better person. Even if he wanted to rip the other creature to shreds. Finally, he used this silence to speak; ""If that is what you wish, then I will a--" The warriors words were cut short when he heard another voice speak up nearby. He had watched the kid get scolded and told off. Followed by a nip from the male warrior. However, it seemed this kid had a plan of his own. Albeit a rather unproductive one, but his own nonetheless.

This kid, Augustus, decided he'd do what he wanted and go off on his own. The thin warrior watched as the kid spoke against his "aunt" and then walked off after his outburst. He watched the pup, a concerned expression clouding his eyes. Obviously the kid was having problems. Squall felt something stir within him, perhaps he and the child had something in common. He wanted to know why he had acted in such a manner, but he also wondered how Loccian and her brother would react to his asking about him. They'd both probably try to snap his ears off for even asking. As concerned as he was for a kid, he refrained from asking..."I know it's not my place to say this seeing as how I'm of you. But the kid looks like he could use some help with his life. He voiced his feelings in a way. It's up to you whether to try and be there for him, or wait until he follows another path. And it might be the wrong path he follows without guidance. Ask yourself, what would you do if that were to happen?" He glanced from Pontifex to Loccian, his words meant for both brother and sister. Yeah it wasn't his place to speak about it, but the least he could try to do was keep a family together before they broke what they had...unlike him. His family was gone, and he had no one. He disliked seeing others broken apart.

He stood then, stance as composed and as not threatening as he could make it. He didn't know what he would do now, and when night came, he didn't know where he would sleep. He supposed that maybe he would just wander again until a pack accepted him. He didn't care where, he just wanted a place to finally call home. A place he could protect from outside threats, a place where others could look to him for assistance, for guidance, for any sort of help. A place, where he could finally belong.

Speech, Thought, You