
Down Falls the Snow


07-01-2013, 03:49 AM

Midnight sat at the entrance to the den winter was coming closer to its end and the wether was starting to show it she had woken that morning intending to go for a hunt but outside sleet dashed past wet and miserable weather, it might clear latter on but for now she did not particularly want to be out in it if she had a choice, and now with the pack by her side each looking out for each other and working to feed not only themselves but the whole group she did. Still it would have been nice to have gotten out with a sigh she turned and moved back into the cave.

She had moved her nest out of the antechamber of the den and deeper into the area where most of the other wolves bedded down each night, at the last minute she swerved away from the bower, there was no point sitting around lamenting the loss of hunt, and anyway the den was full of other wolves either contained by the storm or simply spending a lazy day inside its confines.

Her footsteps led her towards another female about her size, she had seen the lass around the dens but they had never spoken before. The dames fur was black like hers and as she moved closer she saw the grey markings around her face and beyond that the piercing green eyes, she smiled as she approached careful not to back the lass into a corner her own golden eyes slightly lowered even after her months in the pack she was careful never to give another wolf a reason to attack, ?hello,? she called standing a respectful distance from the dame, ? have you been outside today the weathers atrocious,?

She had very little training in how you approach another wolf usually he kept to herself but no it was time to meet and greet, still the weather? Couldn't she think of anything better. Her tail waged steadily behind her as she stood silently berating herself.
