
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
07-22-2017, 03:24 AM

At last they were on the move, the Armada boy trailed behind the alpha and a few others, though when it came time to cross the borders of their target his fur bristled in anticipation. The moonlight illuminated the foggy terrain, the air silent until a somewhat familiar form came to stop them before sending a call for help. It was the rainbow woman, and before long, others had joined them. One old man had decided to go straight in for an attack against their newest member, and he watched with intensity for a moment before a few others arrived. His alpha was being challenged, accused of something that Greed didn't understand nor care for. Who cared whether the guy was dead. He didn't. Especially since he didn't know who the hell she was talking about, but he didn't care much for anyone anyway. His duty was to his pack, and to himself, but he had a bone to pick with the rainbow marked woman.

His teeth glinted in the light as he sneered, circling around to better face the old woman. She was the one he saw at his fathers challenge, smelling heavily of pups...though did he care? Not really. Without warning, Greed charged straight at her, the brute attempted to close the distance with blazing fury. She had interfered with his family, and was probably the reason that his father decided to leave. She was probably the cause of the pain and hurt he felt when his father packed up the rest of the family and left him behind. It. Was. Her. Fault. Hackles bristled along his body, ears pinned to his head as his eyes narrowed. Teeth bared, the skin around his face bunching to aid in protecting him. His tail fell in alignment with his head and spine, shoulders thrust forward to protect his neck and his scruff bunched. His claws tore up the ground, toes spread for balance and traction as his weight was evenly centered.

He was going to tear into her, one way or another. With a vicious snarl, Greed feinted two steps to his right before moving two steps back to his left, attempting to throw her off before he sought to close the distance between them with a full force head on collision. Right shoulder was thrust forward, aiming to slam the point of his right shoulder straight into her wind pipe. He wanted to basically choke her out and force the breath from her body.  Sure, he was probably being too harsh, but in his mind, she deserved it. With a vicious snarl, his head whipped to his right, jaws gaped open as he sought to bring his teeth down upon the right side of her face. Top fangs aimed to pierce through her right eye socket while bottom fangs sought to attain a grip just beneath the right side of her lower jaw. He wanted to tear away part of her vision and leave scars in the process. As he attempted this, he would shift his weight to his three grounded limbs as his right forepaw quickly lifted and then slammed towards the ground, the male aiming to crush the toes on her right forepaw. He wanted to hinder as much of her movement as he possibly could. And make her pay for messing up his family.

Greed vs Marina for MAIM [Blinding in right eye/Severe facial scarring]
Round 1/???
Height: 36"


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