
Of sinners and saints [open]

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
07-22-2017, 04:57 AM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2017, 10:59 PM by Lucifer I.)

The History

In the beginning there was one, a being larger than most. It craved power, love, devotion, and power over all. It wanted a dominion over others where they worshipped it. It took many souls under it as it aged into a year. The parents convinced to give their newly weaned litter to it, that it would save their children from a life of suffering under cruelty and hatred. The three it dubbed Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel of the Morningstar. They were to be raised in its saintly ways, to be taught that he was a god. Their parents over time were forgotten and the three convinced that they had been created not born. They were loved well and raised as patron saints for those that became followers of their god to aspire to be like.

It was but a year later after they had been given to the god that five more were gifted to the god in secrecy. He dubbed them each with the name Morningstar and gifted them names. They were to be Samael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Barachiel, and Jegudiel. Once they each in turn forgot their birth parents they were introduced to their elder siblings. They were told they were created for a great purpose. It wanted no opposition and so told them they had been created by it to be saints and guardians of it. They were raised by it and their elder siblings, believing fully that they were created with a solid purpose and that their "father" was truly a god. It was two great years before a turmoil struck that shook the very foundations of their lives. Eight would become seven all in the span of one day.

It was Samael who shook them to the core. He had always been a problem child, questioning everything and pushing the boundaries. Two women, sisters, had captured his heart. Unbeknownst to them all. They each bore him three children each, a thing that made the man happy and tore him away for long hours on end from his siblings. They didn't question such a thing though as he bathed himself of all the scents before returning to them each day. It was a few short weeks, exactly eight before the deity began to track the man down on his excursions. It caught the females alone with his children upon one occasion. Growing infuriated at Samael' s lack of respect for his ways and jealous of the love he clearly had for these women, it lashed out. It took the lives of the mother's in a quick moment. They stood no chance.

The eldest brothers were called then. As Samael returned that day to the place he hid his families he was greeted by them all, they bore stone faces some were even angered as they looked upon him and six children sat before them, each child with tear stained cheeks and confusion in their eyes. The deity then spoke his ultimatum and the crime so all gathered would hear. Samael was to kill his children, repent his sins in order to reclaim the love of his siblings and their god. That he would no longer love another or suffer the consequences. Samael answered firmly and was resolved in his now grieving heart as he gazed upon his two loves, he would not kill his children. He furthered the wrath then, claiming that Abba was no god of his, that a god would not condemn children. The deity answered by ordering his brothers to hold him down. It was Michael, Gabriel and Raphael that did so. Samael was maimed then by the deity, forced to outwardly bare the scars of his sins in the form of two matching scars upon his shoulders. He was stripped of his first name then, to be called only Lucifer by those that knew the light. His children were to be hailed as abominations and he to be shunned and cast out for all eternity or until he could find the light and destroy the sins of himself. He disappeared from them not even a day after, taking his children with him.

A year later and they reach the shores of Ardent, intent on setting their home here. But by stoke of luck, a familiar scent is found, stale but nonetheless one the guardians know. It is found without the knowledge reaching Abba, and whether it remains so is yet to be seen.

The Personalities and


For the appearances of these wolves I'm open to anything. As Samael is white with blue pads and a black mask. I would like to see these guys as giants but it is not necessary. Builds should fall in the medium to heavy for males and for females light to medium.

The saints personalities: these guys should fall in the lawful neutral to lawful good spectrum. There shouldbe no mental disabilities in them and should they fall into a chaotic good nature there should be good reason. They should all be of "saintly" dispositions and believe themselves the defenders from the wicked. They should have a monogamous relationship when they get into them and deem it unrighteous to procreate before marriage. The biggest thing for these guys is that they believe that when they die they will become their God's hierarchy should they lead a good and righteous life. Basically brainwashed into believing Abba is a god. How each feels about the falling of Samael is up to you.

The sinners personalities: these guys should fall in the chaotic neutral to chaotic evil spectrum. They can be of any mindset, though Sam is the father of the Morningstar's in this category. They are out to cause mischief and mayhem, their main thing is to have fun with life. The children of Sam are view as his court and addressed as lords and ladies, viewing Sam as their king. He would have raised them to have respect only for themselves and each other, and view all other's as unworthy. His standards are extremely lax as well. Should question Abba's "godliness". They should be angry at Abba, and potentially their aunt's and uncles. Samael would likely have instilled them to follow their hearts to their true paths as well.

All followers that joined abba took on the name DeAngeles and when Samael fell from them those that aligned with his thoughts after seeing how abba condemned children left with him and took on the name Daemos.

The Adoptable Characters:

The Deity

Abba Jehovah~5 years~Nonbinary(they)
Expectations for adoption: must be of the lawful neutral type, should be driven to start a pack, believes in the no death penalty and instead casts out their "children" until the lesson has been learned and the sin repented for, believe themselves a god, should not take a mate though if a child should happen should keep the child a secret until it is weaned and then remove the mother from the picture.

The Saints

Gabriel Morningstar~4 years~Male~Taken by Den
Michael Morningstar~4 years~Male~Taken by Asena
Raphael Morningstar~4 years~Male~Taken by Fenben
Uriel Morningstar~3 years~ female~Taken by Keno
Selaphiel Morningstar~3 years~Female
Barachiel Morningstar~3 years~Male
Jegudiel Morningstar~3 years~Male

Unnamed branch family members may also be adopted with the last name DeAngeles

The sinners

Samael "Lucifer" Morningstar(the fallen father)~3 years~Male~Taken by Asena
Mammon Morningstar~1 year~Female~ Taken by chrono
Sathanus Morningstar~1 year~Female~Taken by Den
Beelzebub Morningstar~1 year~Male
Asmodeum Morningstar~1 year~Male
Belphegor Morningstar~1 year~ Male~Destroyed By Michael
Leviathan Morningstar~ 1 year~Male~taken by Lolaf

Unnamed branch family members may also be adopted with the last name Daemos

Other impotant notes

The teachings of Abba are as follows:
  • One does not take more than one wife, and does not breed until they are wed.
  • To say the name Abba is to envoke bad luck, he is instead called my Lord or father.
  • To say the name of a fallen is considered to take on the sins of the fallen one, they are instead given an alias in which they are then called by.
  • One must not take more than their share. To do so is stealing from those less fortunate.
  • To kill is to sin. Punishments will instead be given, though for some, to be killed is to be purified.
  • Rape is highly frowned upon, as is incestuous relationships. The demons that come from such events must be purged.
  • Respect one another and yourselves. Each creature shall be loved as if they are a brother or sister.
  • Cannibalism is a heinous act, it is both revolting and demonic in nature. Those found doing so shall be purified in the harshest of ways.(killed)
  • To commune with the unholy ones is to turn your back upon the father, this will result in being cast out until you repent your sins before the father and his guardians.
  • Defend those that cannot defend themselves from the evils of the world. Shelter them from it.
  • The father's word is law and is what is right, questioning it is taboo.

The Form

[b]OC Name:[/b]
[b]Design:[/b] a link to your design
[b]Apearance:[/b] 150+ words
[b]Personality:[/b] 150+ words
[b]Role Play Sample:[/b] 200+ words

I'm reserving the right to reclaim these characters should they fall inactive for a month with no word from the roleplayer.