
Down Falls the Snow


07-01-2013, 04:12 AM

She had been thinking, thinking about a lot of things for a long amount of time. For moments, even minutes on end Eren looked as if she wasn't even in this world. Her oddly glowing sea green eyes watching the wall of the den, and edges in which it met, before flattening out in what made a floor. Not completely making a sharp corner, but making it enough to distract the girl from any other contact with other wolves. Her wounds were healing nicely, apart from a few patches of missing fur here and there, she was doing all right. Though she either looked like she was losing her fur, or others would be able to tell of her attack. Perhaps she had been thinking about the attack, or maybe her recent events that had happened in Glaciem. It was a strange feeling that something bad was going to happen and in the back of her throat there was an apology she wasn't sure how to say, who to say it to, and why. Gargoyle had saved her from a deranged female, who had her reasons for attacking her as Eren had already figured out from her Sherlock like mind. And she also had memorized the males scent that had attacked the rogue, to avoid him and possibly warn others to stay away. Yet in the end, she hadn't made any progress with herself, or understanding the world as she had wanted to.
The voice was almost startling, as Eren turned her head towards the other female ears forward to listen to her voice. She realized she must have looked like an idiot starring at a connection in the wall like that. Her eyes lowered for a moment and she looked up at the female and gave a friendly offering smile. "I've found myself staying in doors. The cold seems to have scared me off a bit." She joked, but there was clear pain in her tone. Eren was good at hiding emotions, but sometimes she clearly had no clue how her mind was working. The girl's tail twitched, what if she were to be attacked again, and what about Gargoyle. What if she was never going to see him again, that was the worst thought. She didn't want to be left behind again, and perhaps she wanted to better herself to avoid that. Eren may have been thinking too fast as well, that had to be it. As he breath shivered she tried to calm herself and face the other dark colored female with more confidence. The second one she had met, Eria one of her other friends, was also this dark black color, though Eren had yet to meet someone with intriguing eyes such as her own.