
Of sinners and saints [open]



6 Years
Extra large
07-23-2017, 01:58 AM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2017, 10:34 PM by Kaine.)
OOC Name: Den
Name: Gabriel
Design: DESIGN 45" - Light build (approved of OOC)
Appearance: In a word: glorious. A creature of elegance and grace, Gabriel is something to admire. Biblical beauty has been trapped within an earthly vessel, barely contained by flesh and sinew. Something for which all should strive. Legs that seem to extend for aeons with each step- he is nothing short of a behemoth. Powerful thighs and shoulders propel him over the ground with unearthly ease. A slender form, with narrow shoulders and hips make the archangel appear impossibly delicate and frail by comparison to his siblings. A thick coat of long fur hides how slim his physique truly is, and accentuates his figure well. A long neck and well sculpted skull draw attention to his face, and nirvana exists. Crafted by the heavens, the man bears features nothing short of splendorous.

Shining gold covers the herald from head to toe. The singular, unwavering hue blends him with many landscapes. Each paw is dipped in ivory, reaching no further than his ankles. Gabriel's muzzle is dipped in that same shade, bleached of its divine pigments. Sweeping from his chin and over his snout, it arches across the top of his muzzle and tapers off in a fine point. Then, it can be found blanketing the top of his neck and shoulders, creeping over his ears. It ends in another point between his alabaster brows, a crown of purity.

Soft, sea foam green is the hue of his soul. Gabriel was born blind, and thus the colour claims his eyes in their entirety. Those eyes are pupil-less, and are often called unnerving. His gaze doesn't lock onto whoever he speaks with, and often he cannot be bothered to direct his face at them either. Gabriel is not ashamed of his disability, and embraces it. His father must have created him without sight for a reason, right?

Personality: (True Neutral - Asexual - Homoromantic)
Diplomat - Violence is simply not his way. There is always a solution, and Gabriel will seek it out until his paws are bloody. This is one of his inherent traits, and paints him as weak in many circles. Reason and rationality are favourable to confrontation and war. He always hopes to solve a problem without harsh words or actions. Seeing both sides is paramount to any conflict.
Blunt - Life is short, there isn't any point in beating around the bush. If something needs to be said, Gabriel can be trusted to say it. This often makes him the bearer of bad news, and the one to break up fights within the family. A hard job, but someone had to pull the short straw. He won't pull punches or sugar-coat it. Because of this, he is often mistaken for rude. He doesn't really care.
Charming - In a shy, honest way, Gabriel is a sweet brute. Many fall victim to his timid smiles and awkward ways. He draws others in droves, and can't explain why. Perhaps growing up as a runt has created a monster- a wolf that begs to be loved by all that see him. An easy way of speaking, bordering on a drawl, makes him easy to be around.
Stubborn - Gabriel will not change himself. Nor will he change his ways. He is an immovable object. By the time an opinion has been formed, he is under the firm belief that it is right. The manner in which he lives his life is a routine that can't be altered without risk to his mental health. Change is not his strong suit. Many may attempt to sway him, but they will not succeed.
Driven - There is nothing he can't do. Once he sets his mind to it, Gabriel is determined to finish each task. Whether it is a mission given to him, or one he creates of his own will, he will complete it. It is likely a facet of his own stubbornness, in all actuality.
Gentle - Despite the size of him, Gabriel is hardly a danger. He loves his siblings, and rarely scuffles with them anymore. He can be found lavishing them with casual affection, and taking care of them when he gets a moment. This tenderness extends to most others, and he finds himself with the unofficial title of caregiver. When others are in distress, he is there to fix the problem. He guides lost pups home, and can be found fostering anyone out in a storm within the confines of his own den.

Miscellaneous: Feeling towards the Lord: His father is wise. All powerful, perhaps not, but they are definitely leagues above the average creature. They work in mysterious ways, and cannot always be predicted. Overall, Gabriel loves his father. He bears no ill will towards the deity, and follows his word without question.
Feelings towards Samael's Fall: Samael was a beloved brother, who Gabriel cherished deeply. They got along like peas in a pod, and Samael may even have looked up to him. Having raised him partially, Gabriel feels deep guilt over what happened to him. He cannot let go of the notion that the boy's Fall is somewhat on his shoulders. The taste of his blood in his mouth, the sound of his screaming as he was maimed by the father haunt him. Hindsight is 20/20, and to a blind man that is all the worse. He regrets agreeing to their father's demand. Being a soft-hearted caretaker for the whole group, harming Samael was horrific.
Feelings towards his Nieces and Nephews: Children cannot be expected to bear the weight of their parents' sins. Something born into a world that they cannot change the past of shouldn't be expected to understand the intricacies of it all. Of course, this belief is not spoken. Gabriel knows better than to risk incurring the wrath of his father.
Feelings towards his siblings: LITTERMATES: Those with whom he shared a womb are the most trusted of Gabriel's family. Granted, he believes they were simultaneously created from nothing, but we all know the truth. They are those with whom he airs his grievances with the world, confides in, and serve as his soft place to fall. He would readily protect them with his life and mortal vessel.
YOUNGER: Warmth floods his chest when he remembers the tiny forms of the younger siblings as they emerged from their den. He and his brothers raised the younger children, as their father was too busy with his divine duties. To this day, he will tell them tales, sing them to sleep, and protect them from harm. Despite many of them being bigger and stronger than he himself, he is extremely protective.

Role Play Sample: The gentle chorus of songbirds awoke the herald. The soft pelts beneath him shifted as he stretched weakly. There was no push of another body against him as he moved. No one was in the den. Sightless eyes opened, and tall alabaster audits would swivel in search of signs of his siblings. He scented the air. They didn't usually leave him behind without letting him know what was going on. It was mostly the remnants of worry from when Gabriel was a frail child they had to care for. Groggy, husky vocals would call out cautiously. "Michael?" it was less of a question and more of a demand. If he was nearby, he had better announce himself. Nothing. "Uriel?" Came the next, hesitant bark.
Leaden limbs would slowly arrange themselves beneath the titan. Thank God that everyone else was just as massive, if not more, so they had a big den. He heaved himself to his feet, stretching methodically. It had been a long night, telling stories to lull his siblings into a peaceful sleep. The previous day had been rough. The loss of Samael was still like a stone in their hearts. Heavy paws collided with the earth, at a loss for his usual grace. It was too early for that. He bumped roughly against a stone that had been carelessly knocked into the tunnel leading out of the den. "Guess they didn't think I'd be up yet."
The sunlight beaming down from above warmed his spine, flooding his veins with liquid gold. A deep sigh shuddered through his lungs, clearing the stagnant air of sleep from his chest. Upon inhale, the scent of breakfast made his stomach rumble. They'd left breakfast behind. Haunches folding neatly beneath him, he dipped his head in a quick prayer of thanks. Time to start the day.