
An Angel of Mercy [Healing Camp]



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-23-2017, 06:44 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2017, 06:44 PM by Paladin.)
Healers not in the raid should come here unless ICrly they would stay to guard the children of the pack somewhere. Bring Supplies. Wounded wolves knocked out from the Raid come here to be treated.

Paladin 'Knight' Ancora

Paladin had been moving along the borders, placing stones before he went back to the den to curl with his siblings and mother. He was glad it seemed Valor was showing more interest in their mother, because from what he’d heard and gathered, his brother and his father had barely even tried to see her or comfort her. Pity it took their father’s murder to snap his brother out of it. And what had it said of his father’s love or lack thereof for his mother if he could galivant off to their southern relatives when his mate was so clearly unwell and getting worse?

He shook his head quickly to dispel the bitter thoughts and sighed, last stone in place. He’d tried to find the flattest, smoothest ones he could. Ones that would stack together to form a wall like his cousin wished. It was at that moment, that he heard a warning howl up ahead, one announcing intruders, and he broke into a run, then paused, hesitating. They would need a healer if this turned violent, and he realized, as his cousin’s war song rolled like thunder across the moor and toward the Plains, that it would. This wasn’t a single trespasser. This was an attack of some kind.

He shook his head and broke into a swift, ground eating lope. He was undecided, until a spark of insight struck him. He dashed back to the plains, barking out a howl for any healers not already in place. It was urgent, and he maintained the calls until his paws flashed over the ground of the ravine. He gathered supplies he felt they would need, from hides filled with herbs to stop bleeding, to softer skins that he’d try his best to splint any broken bones with, the straight sticks he’d been diligently gathering over the time he’s been home wrapped in them, and carried in the hides that held the herbs.

His jaws full, and extra supplies draped over his back, he moved swiftly, not stopping until he’d staked a place out in the middle of the standing stones in the Moor. Close enough to bring the wounded, but far enough to keep them safe. He just hoped the other healers that could help would get here. Celestial needed all the wolves that could be of help, on both fronts.

He deftly set up the small camp, then sat and waited for the others.

Paladin has a thick, Educated Irish Brogue type accent. It's understandable.