
Ramble On



3 Years
07-23-2017, 08:47 PM

[Marble Wash for Nav Skill]

Dell was slowly making her way southwards, slowly being the keyword. She seemed to stop at every rock and plant to sniff around their base, flip them over or try to gaze at their underside... There was just so much to explore as she moved and the northern region's cooler climate was pleasant in conjuncture with her heat. Sometimes she even stopped to roll around in the snow and allow it's wet cold relieve some of her discomfort... it didn't stop the whole thing... obviously. 

No for that she'd need another wolf and though she had met a female earlier she hadn't seemed particularly inclined to helping out of the kindness of her heart. Not that Hirondell mined really, she wasn't exactly throwing herself on strangers and didn't really expect too many strangers to be begging her for a lay... still a girl could dream. 

As it was right now the dappled girl was enraptured by the great stone walls around her. Deep violets trailing a particular vein of color, she wanted to see if it had a beginning... or an end. Either one really. Movement caught her eye though as she walked, the form of another wolf on the horizon, head ducked. Male by his scent though he was till pretty far off. Suddenly she realized she had stopped looking at the vein of gold she had been following and turned suddenly to gaze at the wall. 

"Dang it!" She exclaimed, probably louder than necessary and the girl could hear her voice bounce down the walls. She wasn't sure she could pick out the particular line of color she had chosen, not with so many gleaming in the early dawn light. 

Pouting like a child Hirondell collapsed onto her haunches, snorting first at the wall then turning to cast a derisive puff of air in the direction of the male. He was definitely to blame in this! 


[Image: 2lvy346.png]