
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



8 Years
07-23-2017, 08:58 PM

She stood strong spreading her legs and balancing her weight on all fours evenly. Tail leveling with her body and head lowering to be in line with her body for balance. She rolled her shoulders forward and bunching her neck and head up so that she had skin and fur covering her easy spots. Flattening her ears and peeling back her lips to expose her teeth. Bunching up the skin on her face also helped to cover eyes. She was ready to rumble, ready to defend her pack with her life. Regulus arrived at the scene giving out a few quick promotions, including her own out of the punished rank. Though now was not the time to dwell on it with this intrusion at hand. Suddenly her eyes caught the quick movement of the black and white, young male. He was about the same size of her and he made movement around his gaze zeroing in on Marina.

She was turned slightly to her left standing on the right side of the older women ready to jump into action when it was needed. Eyes narrowed as she watched him and before long he began a full out charge towards the older women. Without a second thought she launched forward running straight at the male's left side. She was close enough to cut him off before he rammed into Marina and she planned on doing so. Claws dug into the earth for traction as she tore forward barreling towards the male with as much force as she could muster.

Then she sprung, launching herself the rest of the way with her head and neck pushed slightly to the left. She pushed her right shoulder forward more and was going to use it as her battering ram. She aimed to drive the point of her shoulder into the male's rib cage, just behind his left shoulder to knock him out of alignment for his attack on Marina and to hopefully knock the wind right out of him. At the last moment she arched her head upwards and to the left more while opening her jaws wide angling it to try and grab a hold of the male's left ear and the skin directly below it. The older women had pups to care for and Ella was going to back her up no matter the cost.

Acapella & Marina vs. Greed for MAIM (Removal of Left ear and Facial Scarring)
Round: 1 of ??
Height: 35 inches
Build: Medium