
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



7 Years
07-24-2017, 01:43 AM
Sterling moved along with the group, weaving between the other wolves as they traveled at a steady pace. Her dad and sister were amongst them, but Dragon had asked her mother to stay behind with the other party to help the wounded, or to help carry supplies when they had completed the raid. As they got closer to pack-scented territory, Sterling fell in line behind Dragon, trying not to let her excitement cause her to waste energy bouncing around. When they arrived, she fanned out behind their leader, positioning herself closer Steel and Jade. She watched with growing excitement and nervousness as the wolves of Celestial flood the area in order to oppose them. It seemed they weren't going to be as quiet and absent as had been assumed from the scouting mission.

The girl's nose wrinkled up as one wolf ran up and began shout and snarling at Dragon, and fights began to break out all around her. She wasn't sure where to get started, but as she watched, she realized it really was a free-for-all. Her attention snapped to an older woman that approached Steel -
her tone was calm but there was a hint of warning in her words. Sterling's eyes rolled at the woman's words - of course there would be shame in turning tail and heading home without a fight. Why did she even bother to try to convince them to leave? Well, Sterling wasn't going to just stand around wasting time. The girl's tail flicked and she stepped forward to stand beside her dad, glancing at him, and then at Jade, briefly before eyeing the woman in front of them. "We didn't get here by mistake," she sassed, shoulders tensing, "Why would we leave without a fight?"

Glancing around her surroundings one more time, seeing all of the fights going on, Sterling knew it was her turn to get her paws dirty. Emeralds eyes locked onto Gwenevere, hackles rising along her spine as she prepared to throw herself into the fray. There was nervousness in the bottom of her belly, but she wasn't about to let that stop her. She bent her legs to lower her center of gravity and shifted her paws to an equal distance apart, muscles tensing as she remembered the training Kharnage had given, before she launched forward, aiming to close the distance between herself and the older female, her path leading her slightly to her own right. Her nails dug into the ground for traction, toes splaying for balance, and tail tucking defensively. Her eyes squinted protectively, ears pinning back and head lowering to align with her spine as she dashed forward. Her shoulders rolled forward to protect her neck and chin tilted downward to protect her throat.

When she thought she was close enough, she made her move. She turned her neck to her right and jutted her left shoulder forward, her left forepaw coming up as she did so, as her weight shifted to her hinds and right foreleg. She aimed to smash the bony front part of that left shoulder toward the front of Gwen's left shoulder blade, hoping to dislocate the shoulder joint, to make the rest of this fight easier with a slightly disabled opponent. Then she whipped her head to her left, jaws opening as she tried to make a bite to the loose skin at the middle of the left side of Gwen's neck. She would try to grab a good mouthful of scruff, hoping to leave moderate punctures and get a solid grip. Lastly, her left forepaw would aim to come down on Gwenevere's left forepaw, attempting to moderately sprain the toes.

Sterling vs. Gwenevere for Dominance
Round 1/?
Height: 34"
Build: "Emaciated" (Supposed to be Medium)