
Some real trouble



4 Years
07-24-2017, 07:46 AM

She gave him a huge smile as she looked upon him. He was so much bigger than her but that didn't matter. She had a new friend! She couldn't wait until she told her momma. Faite would be so happy, especially since Aldric poofed. She could bring him home and she could meet him too. He seemed really nice. She gave a vigorous nod when he asked if her name was Jewell, her smile couldn't of gotten any bigger either. Her tail thumped wildly as she watched him go down to the water and her ears perked as he spoke. His name was Ariet Lore and he had a brother, who had a pack. The context made her pause. Was that what the group she lived in was formally called in the English tongue? A pack. "Mom Faite boss home pack. She friend Ganta too? Jewell want friend Ganta too! Ariet Lore Jewell friend!", she was excited enough that she bounced towards him once more. one hop and she dropped into a play bow as she had so many times with Faite.

His mention of games caught her attention completely then, plus it seemed he wanted her to adventure with him. She gave an excited bark at him. It wasn't that she was stupid, she just tended to be naive and childlike so much that it over road so many other things. "Play teach Jewell english?! Or Ariet Lore teach new game?!" The thoughts excited her to no end. She loved playing the games her and Faite and Faite's children played. Though she was usually the observer of such games. "Jewell go adventure, Ariet Lore, Ganta meet Faite for dinner!" She didn't even know the danger she was putting herself in or that she had unknowingly given away something that could potentially save her with this male.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.