
Make-Believe Ferari



8 Years
Athena I
07-24-2017, 08:56 AM
Roza just grinned and nodded with a chuckle when Ganta mentioned them being a pawful. She was sure that pups in general were pawfuls, but if they were half as active as they were now when they're born she'd constantly be running after them. After a beat she corrected herself. They would be chasing after them. She knew Ganta had a lot on his plate now with the pack and the looming threats around it, but he hadn't failed to make time for her thus far and she didn't doubt that he would continue to make time for their kids. She giggled with amusement at his response to feeling their pups kick. "A bunch of little storm clouds, just waiting to come out."

She smiled happily when he leaned in to kiss her cheek. "And handsome like their father I'm sure, she added with a small grin. It didn't take that much to make her happy. Little gestures and compliments made her feel like she was glowing with happiness. That was the one thing above all else she was looking forward to as she thought about the future. Living her life with Ganta and getting to enjoy his caring, loving nature for the rest of her days. She laughed at the idea of their kids crossing over into Fiori to terrorize their grandfather. Of course she was positive that her father would love nothing more than to spend every moment with his grandchildren. Leo loved pups after all. "If my father doesn't come looking for them first," she added with a grin.

She chuckled and leaned her head on Ganta's neck for a moment. She could believe that they didn't have larger problems than this in these sweet moments. But whenever she saw her reflection she was reminded that this wasn't the case. They had enemies... Roza didn't know exactly how many, but Ganta hadn't told her and she didn't care to ask. One was too many for her taste and she had already gotten a taste of how effective his teeth were. She was quiet for a few moments before she finally added, "Everything is going to be okay, right?"