
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]


07-24-2017, 12:35 PM (This post was last modified: 07-26-2017, 07:28 PM by Head Judges.)
Fern had crept silently through the night, hyperaware of every gust of wind, every rattle of the leaves on trees, and every drop of rain that beaded on her fur. When Dragon and some others headed straight forward, she slunk into the brush, gait smooth as a shadow, paws soft as moss. She'd had her eye on a young male, black and white, who couldn't be more than 3 years old. Less, likely. She'd been about to initiate the first attack on him when racing paws rang in her ears. Faster than hummingbirds' wing beats, fights broke out all around her. It seemed the howl of the rainbow abomination had brought many pack wolves out, and they were itching for a fight as much as she was. The first scent of blood arose from the fight, invading her nostrils. That released her. Fern's gold eyes widened, and a savage grin spread across her face. She lifted a paw to step out of the brush when Ramsay raced towards the youngling, his harmful intentions palpable. This was his fight now, and it wasn't her place to intrude. With a quiet snarl, she turned her head towards the rest of her pack, and-- there. Dragon was being attacked not just by one wolf, but two! A smaller female seemed to have a bone to pick with him, as did a larger male who, judging by his rapid-fire promoting, must be the leader.
Dragon was young, Fern knew. He would be able to handle himself in a battle against one wolf, but two? The leader was huge. The youngling looked fast. Fern had to step in, before Dragon was hurt or worse.
Emerging from the brush, Fern stepped towards the fight, barking to catch the slight woman's attention. "Hey! Step away from Dragon," she snarled. There was no reason to wait for her response, as chances were she was too involved in the heat of the moment to respond. So, Fern readied herself for battle.
She bent into a crouch, pushed her head back into the rolls of skin and fur that surrounded her vitals, and with a roar, charged. Her claws dug into the soft earth, tearing up the ground beneath her. She was facing the woman's left flank, angled so that her current course would take her between the female and Dragon hopefully before an attack could set in between them. She planned to charge at full speed and bowl over the girl, knocking her to the ground. Fern would hit the enemy's flank with Fern's own right shoulder, effectively knock her over, and hopefully cause some moderate to heavy bruising before the real battle began. She planned to leap up and over directly after impact, avoiding the girl's fallen form, then pivot on her left two paws to keep the stranger in view in case of a fast recovery. Just in case of her seeing Fern's attack, and snapping at the silver she-wolf, Fern kept her head scrunched back, skin bunched around her neck. Her sides were relatively unprotected, but her speed should have kept her safe from major injury.

Fern vs. Justice for Dominance
Round 1/?
Height: 31"
Build: Medium

[edited by Lunarcat7 to adjust fight to Dominance match per Fern's request]