
Don't Fake This


07-01-2013, 10:21 AM

She heard the pride in his voice as he spoke of his rank and his pack. So she had guessed right. "That would be correct, did you attend the wedding?" She wouldn't exactly say attended, she was there, but lingered at the back, keeping a low profile. She could practically feel the chill radiating from Erani after their meeting. Her attention snapped back to him when he started speaking again. "That's the plan" Lyrics were spoken with an easy smile. "Valhalla only has so much." While home held a lot of herbs, there were some that she had to venture out to find. And she wanted an excuse to go exploring. "An E-s-squi-ire you say?" The foreign named rolled off her tongue awkwardly. He had said that is was equivalent to a warrior, but it was an odd name to her. I guess every pack has different names for their ranks, it makes sense. Her thoughts rambled quietly at the back of her mind, focusing mostly of Pontifex.

While the willows covered most of the view of the sky, the dropping temperatures clued in that it was becoming later in the evening. Her belly growled in protest, having not eaten since earlier this afternoon, a sheepish smile crept its way onto her face. "Excuse me, its been a busy day." How far was she from home? She hadn't been paying close attention. It had taken her all day to get here, but she had taken her time and stopped along way. She would get back late if she headed home tonight. Perhaps she could find an old den to rest in for the night and return home in the morning, her paws were dying for some rest. She had made up in her mind all within a minute and done so quietly, her expression changing minutely, becoming thoughtful. She could gather her herbs on the way back. She was pretty certain she had passed an old den along the way. But would she ever see this brute again? She found herself rather glad she had bumped into him. It'd be a shame to meet him once briefly and then never see him again.

"speech" thought