
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



9 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-25-2017, 10:16 AM
A youth she had not noticed yet stepped forward to bark some sarcastic nonsense at her. Gwen eyed the child with clear disappointment, but merely shook her head. So young, surely too young to be thoroughly trained, yet brought along on what was clearly going to be a dangerous intrusion onto another pack's territory. What had this alpha been thinking? "Go home," she urged the male again, this time including the youth confronting her and the second plastered to the male's side in her urging. "Don't risk your lives and your bodies for... this."

But the taller youth seemed determined, and set herself in a clumsy warrior's stance, drawing a sigh from Gwen who slipped into her own with the grace of an otter into water. It came to her with the ease of long practice, her head dipping level with her spine, her paws sliding out into a stance slightly wider than hip and shoulder width and squared so that her centered weight fell evenly over all four paws. Her ears pinned back not in anger, but protectively, to minimize them as a target, and her eyes narrowed for the same reason. Her joints bent slightly to lower her center of gravity, but she kept them loose for freer movement. Her chin she tucked slightly to protect her throat, for though her opponent was taller than her by a pawful of inches she was not so tall as to not easily drop her teeth that far. Gwenevere had years more experience than the poor child; it would hardly be fair to punish her for the poor decisions of her elders. But it was what it was.

The youth charged, and Gwen set herself as though to take the hit, but sidestepped neatly to the right before the attempted shoulder slam could land, avoiding the paw stomp at the same time. Sterling's teeth barely caught Gwen's ruff as she moved, leaving minor lacerations beneath the ivory fur on the left side of her neck about a quarter of the way up from her shoulder.

Gwen shifted her balance to her hindlegs and pivoted on her hindquarters ninety degrees, attempting to bring herself to face Sterling's left shoulder then, with her weight still balanced on her hindquarters, she reared halfway up in an attempt to slam the front of her chest against the side of Sterling's leg shoulder. As she did she brought both paws up and sought to wrap them around Sterling, her left paw seeking to hook around the front girl's chest and the right over her spine halfway before her hips in an attempt to hold her close and immobilized her. Simultaneously she reached her jaws to her left in an attempt to snap them into the back of the neck immediately behind Sterling's skull, carefully as she was trying not to cripple her but rather to grip and hold in the hopes of controlling her movements.

It was clear that Gwen did not want to harm the youth, but she couldn't simply roll over and let the girl tear recklessly into the main battles, where the rest of the pack may not be so forgiving of her youth. But if she could hold her here until she gave in...

Round 1/2
Height 30"
Build Medium