
poetry in life [Heather]



3 Years
07-26-2017, 02:57 AM

Something curious came from the female before her. Her brain was moving in her head. "Your age does not take away your right to live as you please. I don't want to be the Queen that's seen as weak no, but I refuse to be a tyrant either. My father's reign was peaceful - the most action I saw was when my cousin tried to challenge him and he quickly shut him down. So I wish to protect Fiori and offer it's peace for generations to come." Heather smiled painfully for a minute, looking away. "A yearling in the pack was a pup when he lost his parents. A bear came onto the territory and killed the parents. Soon after we couldn't find his siblings either. At the moment most of our members are older and I know I should be looking for more able bodied wolves but wolves like you have the wisdom of a thousand tongue's to share to young wolves like me and my siblings." She didn't quiet know how she got to talking about this.

"So I'll take on that weight, to offer you a home. Especially since it's your homeland." She had suddenly forgotten that she had never introduce myself. "How rude of me, My name's Heather Adravendi. If we're going to be living together I should know your name." she smiled. Tilting her head off to the side. Right now, she didn't feel odd. She didn't feel like her world was crumbling like she usually did. The fight with her mind was at ease and it was touching up on the reason she'd worked so hard to get here to begin with.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.