
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-27-2017, 03:37 AM
ooc//using my Fight pass.

It didn't take long for he and his members to be confronted, though the members of Celestial that had arrived simply issued warnings. Telling him to take his comrades and leave. Except for one old geezer who launched himself at Valdis. Tail swished calmly behind him, at any moment any one of the defenders could attack, so his own senses were completely alert, Kimahri ready at his side. Green gaze searched for his brother Kharnage, and as soon as he was spotted he called to him. "Hey Kharn! How does being promoted to Taxiarchos sound?" His brother had come to him prior to the raid asking about it, so now seemed as good a time as ever to promote his sibling. Through the tension in the air, a familiar scent caught his attention, and not long after she appeared. Justice. His cousin. The one who had recently gone to Talis to tell them of Creed's passing. The news had devastated her mother, and so she decided she wasn't coming. She felt like it would be a betrayal to her family, though in a sense…was it really? Things like this happened all the time, didn't it? Dragon bore no ill will towards those of his family, they were simply doing what they had to do to survive, and he wasn't one to go around begging the other packs. Especially when he didn't know them personally. Wouldn't that make his pack seem weak? If they needed to beg for the help of others? His attention was brought back when Kimahri issued a warning growl, and then Justice had come before him. She was angry, and rightfully so. It probably seemed like he was out to hurt them while the death of Creed was still on their minds, but that simply wasn't the case. He calmly listened to her outrage, fur relaxed as was his posture. Sadness clear in his eyes. If she were to launch herself at him, he would be ready in an instant.  Though it looked like she wanted to seriously hurt him for just trying to survive. He did have a plan forming in his mind, however. Maybe he could talk to her later…after all, regardless of what happened tonight, she would still be family to him.

That wasn't how he felt though. He didn't want to fight her. He didn't want to seriously hurt her. So despite all the anger she spewed at him, he remained calm. "Justice, it is not my intent to hurt you or our family. I bear no ill will towards anyone, we're just doing what we have to in order to survive." He wished he could tell her more, but with fights breaking out left and right, he wasn't sure if he'd have time before someone decided to try and catch him off guard. Before he tried to say more, however, a big red figure lumbered towards him. He couldn't quite remember his name, but he vaguely remembered a big red wolf back in his youth. Clearly, however, the other male remembered him. As Regulus spoke, it clicked. Aaahh, now that he thought about it, Celestial had been the pack he had made it to when he was in Imperium. But when the other alpha said he had let him off lightly, Dragon couldn't help but to scoff. "I was a pup, what were you gonna do? Eat me? Or did you let me off 'lightly' because two of my pack members were there? I don't think Imperium would have let you off so lightly if you had." Whether Reg heard him or not, he didn't really care right now. The red male continued, and his ears flattened. He wasn't going to come begging for supplies. And he didn't have to explain himself to someone he didn't know. Regulus was not his family. He said his piece to Justice, and though he had come with the intent to take the supplies they needed, he hoped she would hear him out later. He wasn't going to let Regulus scare him off so easily. Or at all.

While Regulus spoke, Kimahri had slid away from Dragon's side to circle around Regulus and Justice. Meanwhile, Dragon had not only been setting his defenses, but had also taken a few steps back to set them approximately ten feet apart instead. There was no way in Hell he was going to let his opponents stand that close to him. Or anyone who he might fight, for that matter. After all, he had no reason to trust the big red brute, nor those of the opposing pack (save for maybe those that bore his same last name) now did he? Regulus had threatened him when he was a child, and he was threatening him now. Granted at this moment in time there was reason to threaten, but back when he didn't know about other packs borders? Meh. All thoughts aside, the earthen male's hackles rose, teeth bared in a fierce snarl, tail aligned with his spine and head, ears pinned to his skull, eyes narrowed to emerald slits, the skin on his face bunched around his eyes and muzzle to aid in protecting him. His scruff rolled back, the loose skin bunching up as well. Head tucked, chin tilted down to protect his throat, weight centered and legs equidistant apart. He was ready.

As soon as Regulus launched forward with all the intent of battering him, Dragon acted quickly. He waited a second before Regulus attempted to make impact, watching for a brief second as those jaws came flying at his face. Dragon was a few inches smaller then Regulus, so he would use it somewhat to his advantage. In one fluid motion, the earthen male dropped the front half of his body to the ground in a sort of play-bow like motion, dodging the onslaught and causing Regulus' attacks to miss. His opponents teeth would snap on air, Regulus' chest missed his own, and instead barely grazed the top of his head with no damage done, and the red males forelegs would find no purchase upon him. Dragon tucked his tail as his rump was half in the air, his weight settling mostly on his hind legs, ready to spring at a moments notice. He pushed himself forward with his hind legs, his forelegs slid across the ground beneath the red alpha, and it was here he'd attempt to make his attack. Jaws gaped open, the earthen male's head lunged forward towards Regulus' unmentionables (testicles). Dragon sought to wrap his jaws around his opponents man bits, his head tilting slightly to his right so that his top jaw could wrap around the right side of his target and bottom jaw sought to wrap around the left side of Regulus' parts. He sought a vice like grip, aiming to chomp on them and tear them free from their host. While it was a type of attack he had never really considered, he figured that Regulus aimed to hurt him as much as possible, so he'd attempt to do the same. Though at the beginning of all of this he hadn't considered doing any sort of maims at all, but the wolves of Celestial seemed to have other ideas. As he attempted this, he would raise his right foreleg. While he knew his blunt claws wouldn't do much, he would still try to distract the other male. Right forepaw struck forward, aiming to scratch down Regulus' inner left hind leg, also seeking to drive that same paw downward in an attempt to hold Regulus' left hind paw to the ground. Though it would more than likely be a futile attempt, he'd still try. At most, if anything, he'd probably leave some annoying scratches and maybe even scratch the delicate webbing between the red man's toes.

Narrowed green eyes watch Kimahri, the Jaguar lingering behind Regulus a good few feet as he waited for his opportunity to strike. If there was one thing about his companion, is that he was an opportunist. He'd wait until the perfect moment, as did all predators…somewhere around him, he heard Fern's approach as she launched herself at Justice. He was glad he wouldn't have to fight this alone and that she was aiding him. She was one ambitious woman! He only hoped that she had enough experience to throw off their attackers.

Dragon x Fern vs Regulus x Justice: MAIM [Castration]

Round: 1/2
Height: 39"
Build: Heavy


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.