
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-26-2017, 07:27 AM

The man shifted to his left and she snarled in pain as her left shoulder collided painfully with the front of his right shoulder leaving severe bruising.  She was almost grateful that her right paw missed it's target for as soon as it connected with solid ground her weight shifted evenly to her hind legs and right front leg to give her left shoulder a glimmer of respite.  Their chests collided dead center leaving light bruising.  Due to the mans shift in position both sets of Valdís fangs snapped together over his left cheek leaving deep punctures but not gaining a worthy hold.  Valdís knew she'd be hard pressed to keep a grip on such a challenging target with a small surface area in her possession. She immediately let go, twisting her head violently to her left and down as he opened his jaws, attempting to catch the mans lower jaw in between her own jaws, knowing full well her own muzzle would likely end up mauled.  Valdís sought to catch the middle of his lower jaw with her upper fangs placed perpendicularly across his tongue and her lower fangs underneath his lower jaw so it was nicely sandwiched between her own.  Her goal was simple, a crushing bite that would break bone and put the clever old geezer out of commission before he did her in [counter… again, sorry  ><].

The man pushed his weight forward, his chest pressing into hers and her weight shifted to her hind legs as her tail flagged out behind her for balance.  Valdís tried to throw her front legs over the top of Castiel's upper neck, a few inches back from his head in a tight hug, partially to help her maintain her own balance.  Her right front leg seeking to curve around the left side of his neck her left front leg seeking to curve around the right side. She sought to pull down, to make his neck bear her weight at such a delicate point that it might cause him strain in addition to throwing him off balance.  Thanks to her front legs rising his paw slam would miss and she hoped that the sudden addition of her weight when he lifted his right foreleg might be enough to make him stumble and tip forward.  She wanted to get him on the ground.  Valdís maintained what defenses she could her eyes narrowed and her ears pinned in case he would go for those again.  Her hind legs were spread wide, knees bent and her weight spread evenly amongst them as her tail flagged out behind her for balance.  Her abdomen tensed tightly to aid her balance and her hackles remained standing on end.  Her shoulders were rolled forward as her arms extended up to try and wrap around the mans neck.  Her toes were spread, hind claws digging into the earth, desperate for anything that would help her remain upright.  

Valdis vs Castiel for MAIM (piercing and blinding of left eye)
Rd. 2 of 3
Height: 37"
Build: Medium

notes:  I talked with Keno and she clarified that both Valdís upper and lower fangs connected with Cas' left cheek.

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