
I see fire


07-26-2017, 07:37 AM
She padded onward. Her head was held low and her purple eyes on the ground. She lost her friend because her uncle was a prick. She guessed it couldn't be helped, man thought he was a fucking god after all. She doubted it now a days. Miach had given her a new view on mortals. He was kind, and unlike her family actually fun. "Oh! Who am I fucking kidding.... I'm fucking adopted and it's not like Ana can get her head out of her ass long enough to realize she's made an ass of me. And Adra disappearing hasn't helped shit." a snarl passed her lips as she stopped and plopped on her ass. Her leg propped out, it wasn't healed properly and thanks to that she walk funny and couldn't sit properly. Thanks to Amon her fucking leg was useless. Didn't the fucked know how to watch how much weight he put into punishments? "Of course he does, Amon's just a fuckin prick. God's I could scream for days about how he's a fucking asshole!" she was of course yelling into the nothingness of the night. She was unaware that another lurked and this one could very well cause the end of her. Or that this one was one of those that she cursed about in what she assumed was a lonely and silent night.