
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
07-26-2017, 07:38 AM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

Everything started happening so fast.  Regulus arrived and wolves piled in from either side and soon fights were breaking out all around him.  Dómari quickly set his defenses, his skull and tail moved to align with his spine as his chin tucked lightly into the curve of his neck.  Dóm's neck scrunched back, his shoulders rolling forward and his hackles standing on end.  He could feel his heart hammering in his chest and fury burning in his gut.  How could they do this?  Justice's words dug into his heart.  These wolves were family?  He snarled, he couldn't imagine one of his family members pulling a stunt like this.  He almost wanted to cry but he bit back his tears in rage.  They were going to pay for this.  Dómari spread his limbs equidistant apart and his toes splayed wide, claws digging into the earth.  His ears pinned tightly to his head and his eyes narrowed as he tried to figure out who to attack in this chaos.  However, the choice was swiftly taken from him.  As he locked eyes with a blonde male from Talis the invader charged straight for him!  

Dómari burst forward in an attempt to close the distance and meet the man head on.  He'd been raised by the hellion Valeriya and he'd never back down from a fight, especially not now that he had a message to send to these cruel beasts.  As Ramsay darted to his own left Dómari would pivot towards his own right in an attempt to keep them facing head on.  He didn't want to let Ramsay get behind him.  Dómari attempted to use his heavy build and momentum to slam his chest square into Ramsay's chest [counter].  His goal was to cause severe bruising and to knock the breath from his opponents lungs.  Every second counted and a gasp or falter might give him the edge.

As he was charging forward there was no avoiding Ramsay's forelegs.  Dómari practically ran into his open arms though his change in position to bring them head on had changed the position slightly.  Rather than wrapping under his neck Ramsay's right foreleg wrapped around the left side of the base of his neck, just in front of his shoulder blades.  Ramsay's left foreleg wrapped around the right side of the base of his neck, again just in front of his shoulder blades but that was fine with Dómari.  If the poor Talis wolf needed a hug then Dómari was all to happy to give the poor guy one.  Just as Ramsay's arms began to wrap around him Dómari moved to do the same.  He sought to wrap his left foreleg around Ramsay's right side, under the man's raised right foreleg, and just behind the armpit.  He also sought to wrap his right foreleg around Ramsay's left side, again under the man's raised left foreleg, and just behind the armpit.  He hoped to couple the move with his chest slam so he could knock the light man onto his back.

But that wasn't all.  There was a message that needed to be sent here.  While Dómari wasn't one to maim lightly, despite his rebellious mothers more violent nature, the sheer brazen impudence of these wolves and their disrespect could not stand.  Dómari's jaws parted as he attempted to seize hold of the left side of Ramsay's face.  His upper fangs sought to dig into the flesh just in front of the base of Ramsay's left ear, his lower fangs hoped to dig into the lower portion of the man's left cheek.  Dómari's goal was to gain a strong hold by bringing his jaws sharply together to deeply shred one of the key muscles that aided in opening the lower jaw.  His intent was to partially cripple this man's jaw… permanently. It would not prevent the man from opening and closing his jaws but it would make the task more difficult and hopefully make his future bites less of a threat.  

As his head was moving in for his own bite there was no avoiding Ramsay's jaws though his shift in position to align them head on displaced Ramsay's bite and rather than fangs shredding his right ear those fangs struck the center of his forehead and cut deep lacerations all the way up but the round surface was difficult to grasp and no hold was gained.  Only pain… and lots of blood that Dómari hoped to pay back swiftly.

Ramsay vs Domari for Maim [Crippling of lower jaw and severe facial scarring]
Round 1 of 3
Height: 37"
Build: Heavy