
Spotlight on Centerstage [Abraxas Fam]



3 Years
Dire wolf
07-26-2017, 12:01 PM

Gaios had heard a lot about their family, but he hadn't met any of them until now. They were too little, apparently, whatever they meant. Weren't pups supposed to be little? Father said they would grow big and strong one day, just like him and their mother! Gaios couldn't wait, because for now the barrier in front of their den was the worst thing in his whole life! He just couldn't climb over it, no matter how hard he tried. Watching his sister start to scrabble up it's edge motivated him to give it one more try, and he gasped in alarm when she tumbled down the other side. "Liyah! Are you ok- Oh." His words dried up when he saw the other wolves, just as big as his Father, waiting on the other side. He teetered at the top of the pile, and promptly lost his balance. Sliding down gracelessly on his rear end hurt, and he landed in a heap at the bottom.

Gaios popped up as quickly as he was able, pale coat heated and puffed out in his embarrassment. He ran forward to stand beneath Amon's legs, so he could peer out at the strange females in relative safety. Amon introduced them as his aunt and sister, which made Gaios gasp. "Really?!" He gazed at Pyralis in wonder, and then ran towards Astaroth, fear forgotten. He stood at her feet and gazed up. "If you're our sister, will we be as big as you some day? Will you teach me how to hunt? Pleeeaassee?" Gaios wanted to learn how to hunt more than he wanted anything, but he was always told he was too little! It was totally unfair. His only hope was that his sister was a lot nicer than his parents were!

"Talk" "You" Think

Come Plot with Fox

Gaios' family members are always allowed in his threads!