
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-27-2017, 05:58 AM
The yearling curled her lip in clear disgust at her cousin's words. "Doing what you can to survive by taking away OUR ability to do so?
Yeah that's real family-like of you! Why don't you just fucking kill our pups while you are at it, huh, it would be better than them dying slow from not having what you want now fucking wouldn't it?"

Justice stiffened as Regulus appeared, snapping out field promotions and addressing the very wolf she had been attempting to drive off. Her ears laced back in irritation. Did he always have to show up to interfere with whatever she was already doing just fine? He treated her like a child who couldnt stand on her own paws without tripping, always getting in the way and acting like she didnt know what she was doing. She had survived just fine without him or his pack before, when he had gone off to find the nomads. She was no child, and no idiot either. She was handling it, handling it just fine, and he...

He suddenly launched himself at the other wolf without warning, exactly what she had been told off about and the whole reason for her not already having her fangs in Dragon's throat, and a howl of pure rage and betrayal echoed from the girl, this time directed at the red giant. "No!" She snarled, shaking as a dark red glaze seemed to drop over her sight. "This is mine!" How dare he interfere and block her from her rightful prey and the righteous justice he deserved to be given... to be given by the fangs of an Ancora, not an interfering Adravendi!

Before she could launch herself at Dragon, though, a smaller elderly wolf tapped at her to leave him alone, and Justice was forced to spin half away from her rightful prey to face her. "Mind your own business, bitch," she spat maliciously, quickly resetting her stance as she faced Fern, trying warily to keep Dragon's companion in her peripherals as she did so.

Automatically her head dropped level with her spine, tail coming up to join it for balance, and her black fur bristled all along her back. Ears pinned back to her skull to make them less of a target, her eyes narrowed partly in anger but also to protect them. Paws slid just over hip and shoulder width apart to make her harder to shove over, with her paws spread wide and claws digging in for grip. Her weight was held evenly distributed on all four paws, her joints loose and slightly bent, exactly as if she were preparing for difficult prey.

Fuck if she was going to stand there and wait for the interfering old busybody to hit her though.

With a deep snarl in her chest she threw herself forward at a sharp angle towards Fern's right flank, hoping to use the woman's own momentum to drive it in all the harder while avoiding her own shoulder strike due to her changed position. She jutted the point of her right shoulder forward and sought to drive it into the boneless body cavity halfway between her right ribs and her right hip, halfway down from her spine. She was a couple inches taller than Fern, and her sturdy frame made her strong for her size, so she hoped she could strike hard enough with a small enough surface area to cause damage to the unprotected organs there.

As she did she lifted her left paw and attempted to hook it around hFern's hind legs just below her hocks, trying to catch her left hind leg in an attempt to pull it towards her and pull Fern off balance.

Simultaneously she turned her head slightly toward her right, toward Fern's right hip. Jaws gaping, she attempted to slash her fangs through the skin and thin muscle that protected his stomach cavity just below and before his right hip, seeking to open the cavity to expose those tender organs.

She was in a fury, but not uncontrolled in her own way. This was the way to take down large prey like elk, to disembowel and hamstring rather than face antlers and smashing hooves, so it was reasonable to use it against a wolf. She knew, too, that if she didn't take this Talis wolf down now it would be more difficult to reach Dragon and turn her fangs on him... she would either need to drive the bitch towards Dragon or risk her fangs at Justice's back... but she would not give up on her battle... regardless of the red alpha who had attempted to steal her fight.

JUSTICE and REGULUS vs FERN and DRAGON for MAIM (severe facial scarring FERN)
BUILD HEAVY (misread size as build >.>)