
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
07-27-2017, 06:58 PM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2017, 01:22 PM by Greed.)

He was bloodthirsty, and there was nothing that could stop him. Except for maybe an interference...Blue eyes flashed, catching sight of another who was charging straight towards him. Teeth glinted in the moonlight, cold blue eyes narrowed as he snarled. So this pack played dirty? It seemed so. Marina did his family dirty, so this pack was fitting for her. She would pay for interfering with his life. His family. Breaking it apart. Now that he thought about it, it was her fault. Taking advantage of his father after his mother disappeared. That was it, wasn't it? She seduced him. More than likely forced him to mate with her. She was a bit taller than he and his sire, and she probably spewed all sorts of poison to convince his father's weak mind to go and chase some wild dream. Were it up to him, she'd be dead! But he knew full well his Alpha probably wouldn't appreciate him killing another pack member when all they were doing was raiding for some supplies. It irked him, but it couldn't be helped now.

As Acapella raced towards him with all the intent of battering him, he dug in his claws and bunched his hind legs like a coil before they sprung him forward, launching him like a spring. Acapella would miss his rib cage, and instead, she would graze the very end of his rump on his left side, leaving a moderate bruise. His tail would tuck here, not giving her the chance to grab onto it. He had braced himself for the impact, keeping muscles loose so his muscles wouldn't seize up like they might have had he kept rigid. Adrenaline coursed through him, any and all pain numbed until later. Thanks to his quick movement, Acapella's teeth would miss grabbing his left ear. Instead, her fangs would snag skin and fur on his left side, just barely at the top of where his rib cage ended. Mild cuts would be left as a result, the irritating feeling of fur being pulled made him snarl, but it was nothing to sneeze at just yet. At least his ear was safe...for now. As quick as he possibly could, the dual toned male would distribute his weight to his forelegs and his right hind leg, the male then raising his left hind leg and slamming it towards Acapella's left forepaw, aiming to crush her toes and break them with all the force he could muster. Whether it was a hit or a miss, he would seek to replant his foot on the ground once more.

Meanwhile, his jaws would barely catch Marina's right cheek, the male successful in at least gaining a slight hold. Marina's left shoulder would collide just off center of the right side of his chest, leaving a lighter bruise than what would have been since Acapella's interference had slowed him down a bit. Though he wasn't successful in smashing her toes, he at least got one of them, and he was satisfied for the moment, at least. As he felt Marina begin to shove towards him, Greed braced himself. Weight became evenly distributed, his ears remained pinned to his head, teeth bared and snarling. The skin around his face bunched up, hackles bristling, tail remained tuck, elbows and knees slightly bent to give him room to maneuver should he need to. All four paws were on the ground since his paw slam had just gotten one little toe. His toes evenly spread and claws biting the earth.

As her jaws came at him, he would twist his head to his right, jaws gaping as he sought to clash against her! He aimed to catch her bottom jaw in his own, head tilting slightly upward due to her being a slight bit taller than he was. Greed's top jaw sought a crushing grip on the right side of Marina's lower jaw, and his bottom jaw sought the same grip on the left side of her bottom jaw. He aimed to deliver a crushing grip, to potentially shatter the bone within and tear the flesh. While doing so, he aimed once again to slam her toes. Right forepaw rose before quickly attempting to slam down on Marina's right forepaw. The same foot where he had previously broken her toe. He sought to worsen the damage, along with potentially scratching the same leg or even damaging the delicate webbing between her paws with his own claws on its way down.

Greed vs Marina x Acapella for: MAIM [Blinding in Marina's right eye/severe facial scarring]
Round 2/2
Height: 36"
Build: Medium
OOC//Edited Round count with Tea as witness.


Art||Plot with me!

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