
Not What's Expected [Pack Meeting!]



6 Years
07-27-2017, 07:38 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2017, 07:39 PM by Corentine.)

She didn't know how serious this meeting was going to be. She felt it was rather odd that Vali was holding the meeting, but the open minded girl didn't think to much about it. She had a few moments before Vali started. Looking around and seeing the faces and feeling the thick tension in the air, she began to feel uncomfortable. It made her antsy for once in her life and feel the sudden urge to just leave the meeting. She had been happy with her life and though change hadn't seemed to bother her, a big change was about to happen.

Vali began and she kept her ears pinned to the women, though her eyes wandered seeking for the form of her brother Cloud. He wasn't here and it made her feel more uncomfortable to the point of wanting to whine. She could feel her mother's emotions and noticed how she seemed to grow a little distant, turning her head to her mother she gently pressed her nose to her mother's neck in a failed attempt to cheer her up. Ears listened and her heart sank when she heard Bass was leaving.

Bass had been the only father figure that she had and had been a big part of her and her siblings lives. To hear that he wouldn't be around anymore made her heart break. Though her mind was a bit angry. 'Shouldn't you expect this by now? First your sisters now Bass and Cloud.' Her gaze dropped to the ground, ears flattening against her head. She wasn't bothered about Vali taking over, from what interactions with the older women she had, she had liked her. Though she was feeling abandoned, maybe? She couldn't quite understand her feelings right now.

Then others began to speak, first the fox who she had never personally had interactions with. He was leaving which she didn't really understand why, but couldn't argue. Then Brandr spoke, one of the wolves she considered a good friend, he was staying which perked her up a little bit glad he wouldn't leave. Then another spoke out, she was leaving too. She was just wishing that this meeting would be over.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag