
We Will Meet Again


07-01-2013, 12:19 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:24 AM by Gael.)

Happy. He was genuinely happy. Happier than he had ever been in his life. Why? Because he was with Meili again. The older woman with the mesmerizing teal eyes. The little woman who was quickly worming her way into his heart to make a permanent place for herself in there. He'd never pegged himself as one to fall in love at first sight, but with this little lady before him, he could see it becoming a pretty real possibility. But, he didn't want to get too far ahead of himself. This was scarcely the second time they had been together and already he was thinking about love. He needed to slow down, take a breath, and just enjoy the fact that he was in her company again. There was no need to spoil the moment worrying if she was interested in him in a romantic way or not. It was way too early for such things.

Disrupting his thoughts was her musical laughter, shivers running down his spine at her kiss to his nose. He was just a yearling but she made him feel like he was so much older, like how he really felt he was on the inside. It would be perfect if his outer shell could reflect what he felt like on the inside. And then a touch broke his thoughts and he glanced down. Meili was nuzzling him, burying her pretty face in the crook of his neck. Something close to a rumble vibrated within his check as he tucked his chin over her nape, embracing her, holding her against him, relishing in the feeling of having her beside him before he released her, allowing her to pad towards the spot they had been on the day of their first meeting. He let her get comfortable before bringing himself to her side, limbs folding beneath the large young woman as he allowed himself to lie beside her, crown turned in her direction, cerulean gaze seeking her teal one.

How have you been? How had he been? How have I been? Honest truth... He paused for a moment, taking a breath as he turned away from her, allowing his gaze fall on the now familiar pond. I have been missing you...I barely did anything when I got back home, except make a daily trek here, hoping that I would run into you... He trailed off, crown lowering to rest against his ivory tipped paws. How weird did he sound right now? Telling Meili, still barely knowing her, that he had been obsessing about her for the past week?

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