
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



7 Years
07-28-2017, 05:23 AM
Inexperienced and too headstrong, Sterling was startled when the course of the fight changed, and things didn't go as she'd expected. Her ears remained folded back, mostly from uncertainty now, although it still served its protective purpose. Had she been too reckless, thinking she'd overcome the challenges she'd face in this raid through sheer will alone? Feeling her opponent's skin barely slip through her teeth, and stumbling forward as both her shoulder and paw slam missed, she knew she'd have to adjust quickly. As Gwenevere pivoted, Sterling took several steps forward in the direction she'd already been moving, displacing her opponent's chest slam so that it connected with the side of Sterling's left hip, leaving a mild bruise and causing her hind legs to stumble to her right. Shifting her weight to her forequarters and digging her nails into the ground for traction, toes splayed for balance, she re-balanced herself and stepped to her right, dodging out of reach from her opponent's attempt to grab her. She heard Gwen's teeth snap together on open air, as she had narrowly escaped the woman's jaws as well. Her hind paws moved to pivot her back end several more steps to her right, attempting to align herself so that she was facing Gwen's left side head on.

With all four paws flat on the ground, her legs bent to lower her center of gravity and she distributed her weight evenly to each paw, muscles coiling as she prepared to leap forward again. Her tail remained neatly tucked under her belly, hackles raised along her back and neck. Her shoulders rolled forward as she lowered her head to align with her spine. Chin tipped downward to protect her throat, while her muzzle wrinkled up, the skin bunching around her face protectively, eyes narrowed to keep them safe. She darted forward in another attempt to attack the other woman. This time she thrust forward her right shoulder, trying to smash the muscular side of her shoulder into the very middle of the left side of Gwen's ribcage, in hopes of leaving moderate bruising and leaving her somewhat winded. Then, with jaws parted and teeth exposed, she turned her neck slightly to her right, aiming to make a bite just behind Gwen's left shoulder where it met with the ribcage. She wanted to get a good grip and leave moderate punctures, and all she could hope was that her opponent wouldn't dodge away so quickly this time. She was really beginning to see the difference between a practice spar and a real fight now, and she could feel herself losing her cool; what would she do next if her opponent got away?

Sterling vs. Gwenever for Dominance
Round 2/2
Height: 34"
Build: Medium