
Glaciem Meeting


07-03-2013, 12:24 AM

Eren hadn't thought of what to think or say when she first had heard Gargoyle had been pushed away from his throne. Now there was a new ruler, yet from the looks of it not everyone was happy. Eren was a bit upset, her heart went out to Gargoyle in the honest hopes that he was alright, simply because he had been nice enough to save her when she couldn't defend herself. Now though, she was certain Glaciem would not be the happy load of wolves who accepted each other any longer. She was very uncomfortable about that, but change was the way of the world. Survival is what she strive for, and she couldn't just leave now. Her paws carried her, as the now healed wolf rolled into the fray, as if some sort of spotlight was moving around her. Her elegant black frame shining in the crowd as she sheepishly listened to the girl. Eos had a point, in this world it was all about who could be the better wolf. Eren and her sense of Sadism realized that she would never be able to understand Glaciem as it was when she had been taken in. Her odd sea green eyes looked up at Eos, she was scared shy to speak. Yet she gave a small sigh, and would give her ten cents to it.
"While I would love to side with those who have spent a long time with Glaciem. I cannot. And I do hope they bear no ill will towards me," She stopped for a moment, looking back to those who had decided that they were leaving. "Gargoyle has done a great survive in saving my life, but it was my fault in the first place for being unable to defend myself. The world has no room for things such as wolves who cannot give their time to their survival. This is simply as I have seen things. Eos, you give fair point, as does youth and your strength has been proven in challenge. I do hope Gargoyle is still alive and lives well, but I will follow you. I do not know what will come of the change, but adaptation is something I am not a stranger to. I was never able to understand Glaciem before, but perhaps, now I can." Eren finished what she had to say and dipped her head to Eos. She lowered her head and moved away a bit. That was probably the scariest thing she had ever done in her life. Yet, she chose to sit in front of Eos. She would not leave and would make the most of what was to come.