
Spotlight on Centerstage [Abraxas Fam]



3 Years
Dire wolf
07-29-2017, 03:03 PM
She'd been out exploring once more though she found it to be a bore without put by her side. There was alot a goddess could get up to alone but with another goddess close by she found it much more entertaining. She knew her second cousins had been born but with a mother like theirs she'd not seen fit to be at the birthing, plus she had her own agenda. She stopped at the edge of the canyon. Her mouth clutched a prize worthy of the godlings. Pyralis wou ld be pleased at least. She stalked into the canyon, her tail lowering to cover the heat scent for now. The cries of the prairie chicken gave her away but went unheard. It was doing some strange dance when she found it and she was rather amused so brought it back alive. She hadn't seen one of these back home so it's customs were foreign. As she approached she spotted Lydia and dashed ahead cutting off her route to amon's kids. Her eyes glared at the mortal. She intended to get the point across that no trust would be hers near the children. She would cut her down immediately if she tried. And then she was off again flagging her tail slightly in hopes of catching pyrs kids attention and ensuring the followed. She then trotted forth.

As she came upon Amon and Pyr she stopped beside put and spit out the strange bird before placing a paw upon it. She smirked at pyr then and nudged her shoulder gently. "you have to see these things dance cousin, it amuses me." she grinned then before lifting her paw from the beast and allowing any curious holding its fun. The killing of the beast was all theirs. It couldn't get away anyway, she'd broke it's wings and the things seemed half retarded when she'd cased them down. "Amon...." she dipped her head to him then and turned her eyes to his children. "The beast belongs to you lot do as you want to it." she smiled at them and sat after ensuring that no stray child was under her rump that was. She'd wait for others to come before she decided where else her day would take her.