
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



8 Years
07-29-2017, 06:24 PM

These wolves have trespassed, invading their home for supplies they probably could have just traded for. She had no remorse for them, taking what isn't theirs was wrong in so many ways. She at first felt unsure of what to do, but seeing her alpha charge in to defend the territory assured her that attacking to defend was the best thing to do. She had no idea that this male and Marina had a bit of a past, nor did she care. Marina was a pack member and therefor was part of her family. She did not consider her actions as 'dirty' because Marina had to much to risk. Not that Acapella thought she couldn't fight, but she was still healing from her last attack. She was also with pups so for her to get hurt was a risk towards her young even with the pack pitching in to help. She was just doing what she felt was needed to keep her pack defended.

Her mark didn't hit as expected, but it didn't keep her focus from the fight at hand. The male seemed more interested in harming Marina and Ella was going to do her best to keep from any severe injuries. Her main attack barely grazed his rump though it was enough to cause some bruising. Her bite landed just behind his ribs only leaving mild cuts. Eyes glanced towards him as she noted his quick shift in body weight. Eyes quickly roved his form until it spotted the movement of his leg. Seeing his paw shift and then his attempt to slam it into her toes she jumped back slightly in enough to put two feet of distance between her and the male, avoiding his attack and keeping her toes safe from harm.

Snarling she quickly got back into stance, evenly distributing her weight on all fours. Rolling shoulders forward to bunch up her fur and skin on her neck area. Exposing her teeth and bunching the skin up around her face and eyes. Folding her ears and aligning her face and neck evenly with her spine. Her eyes caught his attempted attack on Marina and when his leg lifted for his attempted slam she made her move. Ducking her head she plowed forward get her head under his abdomen to push his back end forward (which would be to his right). Opening her jaws wide she sought to chomp down on his right hind leg, just above his paw to do damage enough to weaken the limb so he would either buckle or allow his body to be pushed around.

Acapella & Marina vs. Greed for MAIM (Removal of Left ear and Facial Scarring)
Round: 2 of 2
Height: 35 inches
Build: Medium