
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



3 Years
07-29-2017, 11:33 PM
Exodus allowed a gruff growl to escape him as he felt his attacks land. Had his training paid off more than he realized? He felt a surge of confidence, even though he knew he'd soon be experiencing pain - exactly what he'd feel, he wasn't certain yet. Exodus placed his right forepaw back on the ground after feeling it crack down on Steel's toes, bracing himself for retaliation. His paws were spread equidistant apart, weight distributed evenly and legs bent for balance, as well as his toes splaying and nails biting into the ground for traction. He felt the man's right shoulder dig into his own right shoulder at the front of the shoulder blade, leaving moderate bruising there, but he was able to absorb the impact with his sturdy stance, preventing himself from being shoved back or unbalanced. His tail was straight out behind him, aligned with his spine for additional balance. Lips pulled back to reveal his teeth, bunching up the skin around his face and eyes, ears remaining pinned back and eyes narrowed.

As Steel aimed a bite for his face, Exodus side-stepped to his own left, lowering his head to align with his spine and ducking away from his opponent's jaws with his chin lowered to cover his throat. This displaced Steel's bite, causing his teeth to just clip the outer edge of Exodus' folded down right ear, leaving a severe puncture. He grunted from the sudden and sharp pain that tore through his ear as blood began so soak the short, soft fur around the fresh wound. The severity of it wasn't something he'd ever experienced in a spar or training session, and it was almost enough to make him freeze in startle. He was just glad the brute hadn't been able to land that bite on his face, and it became apparent to Exodus the gravity of the wounds he'd inflicted on his enemy's face. He couldn't really say he enjoyed it - he felt powerful, knowing that he could send a message that could not otherwise be inflicted by words alone. Yet, he really did not want to hurt others, and his perspective began to shift - he understood truly what his duty would be to defend his pack and family members. Snapping out of the stupor he'd been in for just a second, his mind came back to the crucial present moment he was in. He needed to keep moving.

Shifting his weight to his forequarters, his hind paws would take several steps to the left, pivoting his position in an attempt to line himself up with Steel's right shoulder. Rolling forward his shoulders and bunching up his scruff, he would try to lunge forward, aiming the front of his chest for the side of Steel's right shoulder, hoping to leave a moderate bruise and unbalance the man - ultimately, he wanted to get his opponent on the ground and make him surrender. At the same time, his left forepaw would leave the ground and attempt to hook around Steel's right foreleg several inches above the wrist, trying to pull the leg toward himself while he was trying to shove his enemy with his chest slam. Hackles still raised, determined to make a point in this fight, he would aim to reach forward with his jaws. Upper teeth aimed to dig into the very upper portion of the right shoulder, nearly where the shoulders met at the top, while bottom teeth aimed several inches below that. His intention was to leave severe punctures and gain a solid hold so that he might later try to make the wound worse. This would really teach these wolves to think twice about invading territory that didn't belong to them, and threatening the livelihood of the residents.

Feeling like he was accomplishing something, he felt himself glowing internally from the thrill of his first real battle. It was exciting, as well as sobering, to experience for the first time what he knew would be his calling, to use his protective nature to keep his fellow pack members safe, while keeping this vengeful thrill he felt in check. It was not his aim to bring harm to others - in fact, he much preferred harmony - but he must cause harm if another threatens him or his family. He must ensure that wrong-doers know their mistakes, and do not repeat it. He must then be ferocious, and Exodus knew now just how much harm he was capable of doing.

Exodus vs. Steel for Maim
Round 2/2
Height: 36"
Build: Heavy