
The Last Sighs Of The Wind [Asharya]



5 Years
07-30-2017, 08:02 AM
But you'll never find the answers, until you set your old heart free

Lydia released Ashiel's tail as he stumbled up, complaining as per usual. "Yes, yes, your mother will be furious if you're late." It was mornings like this that Lydia was actually grateful for Asharya's never-ending energy. As the fiery pup bounced talking of monster birds and adventure she saw Ashiel light up and the moment the words 'race ya' were out of Asharya's mouth there went one pup swiftly followed by the other. Lydia sighed heavily before bounding out after them. This was reason number thirty-nine she didn't want kids. Who had the energy for this? Lydia let them race, setting her pace so that she kept just behind them, far back enough to give them room to compete but close enough that should one of the little devils try to give her the slip she could catch their scruffs. Thankfully they were still little enough that if she had to haul them up she could. Heaven help her when they got to big for that but hopefully by then… well hopefully by then she'd be allowed to leave. Would Pyralis really let her go though?

She dipped her head in greeting to the giant woman as they arrived and moved to sit to the side, quietly, submissively as she was expected to but all the while her mind was whirring with hopeful thoughts of escape… that were almost immediately extinguished as she looked to the pups, ears shifting back at the words 'punishment'. Pyralis was hopeless with wounds and with the rest of the family seemingly so busy… no, she'd stay a bit longer, she'd stay through their initial training, she had to.