
Just barely



4 Years
07-31-2017, 12:56 PM

Ganta frowned as the male asked who the dangerous wolves might be. He had a point… though Ganta was praying that his family wouldn’t prey on the loners… but then again who else could they go after? He furrowed his brow, listening to the offer that the other had. “It’s not exactly secret…” He confessed, though he avoided looking directly at the other male. “I’ll accept your offer though. An extra set of paws helping us would be welcome, especially since well…” He trailed off. Not all the members of his pack were fighters. He looked back to Ash then, frowning deeply as he inquired about his family.

“That’s the thing… save for Shiro, and possibly Obscoro… the rest of my family is just as batshit crazy as the old man. Maybe more so. Rikeros, Forsaken, Enigma, and Paradox are the four I’m most concerned about.” Ganta paused again, directing his muzzle at Dragoste’s borders. “Riker’s scent may still linger just outside our borders. He tried to… leave an unwelcome present for my mate.” There was a flash of anger in Ganta’s eyes as he remembered the rabbit and her fetus’ spread near the border.

“They won’t hesitate to hurt others… particularly those of the Adravendi line.” Important to Ganta considering Roza’s biological family were the Adravendi wolves. “Tread cautiously… if you can find out any information about them it’d be appreciated… and rewarded too of course.” His expression softened a little. “I know the loner life can be hard… If there is something other than food you might need… just ask and I’ll see what my wolves can do.” Ganta shifted a little. It might have been odd, extending help to someone outside of his pack… but a favor for a favor, right? Who knew… Ash could be be a valuable asset to Dragoste even if he wasn’t a member.

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