
Don't Fake This

Pontifex I


07-01-2013, 12:56 PM

That would be correct, did you attend the wedding? Her question about the wedding had him making an assumption that she had most likely been there as well. Of course he hadn't noticed her, sticking close to his pack and not really talking to anyone, so it was possible he could've over looked her. He felt kind of bad that he hadn't noticed her then, but there had been many wolves attending the wedding, it would've been hard to try and spot someone in the crowd. I actually was, though you probably didn't see me mixed in all with Seracians. He allowed his tail to give a gentle wag as she confirmed his statement, noting how Valhalla had so much. It would be pretty convenient for one place to have everything, but that was unrealistic. Besides, exploring was pretty fun from time to time.

An amused chuckle bubbled from his dark lips as Rayne attempted to sound out his title of rank in Seracia. That's right, I am an Esquire. A newly appointed one, so I'm still in my probation stage, but I'm working hard to prove to my king that I am worthy of holding such a position. And then a comfortable silence stretched between the two allies and he could see the ivory woman thinking. The silence only lasted a few moments before a rumbling sounded from somewhere in Rayne's general direction. Pontifex looked to the woman curiously, head tilted to the side quizzically, a smile curling his dark lips as she excused herself. Someone was hungry. Thinking about, grabbing something to eat didn't sound too bad. He was rather hungry himself. Would you care for some dinner? I'm sure I can rustle up something edible around here.

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