
Danger! Danger! High Voltage!


07-31-2017, 08:39 PM
Cold. It engulfs the woman's frame as she glides, paws churning silently in the water as she swam. Spring was not the best time to be getting wait but she loved the way the icy waters stole her breath, the way it made her nerves burn until finally they gave up their fight and became numb. Having been exploring the lands she would eventually call home she had been pleasantly surprised to come upon this lake. The pebbled shores had almost beckoned her into their depths and who was she to defy them. To give them what they want. Legs turn and turn, muscles pulling and loosening in rhythm ever so slowly increasing their mass. Before Quill had left the pack her training had been rigorous as she tried to be as fit as possible for the fights, now she almost found comfort in continuing the habit and pushing her body to the limit when possible.

Something along the water's edge catches her eye though and she turns, striking out forward towards it. As she gets closer she recognizes the stature of a pup and curiosity lights into a blaze. Within a short while she is upon him, unless he had left the lake's edge. Everything about the pup seemed to drip with what was possibly anger and disappointment and it was as if her belly grumbled in anticipation. She longed to feast upon the sour emotions and feed them until they would threaten to consume him, as she so often let happen to her. It made her strong, but would that make this pup strong or would it destroy him?

"Lost?" Question breaks forth from cream and ebon maw as paws find purchase in the pebbles. Slate and ebon cloak clings fast to warrior built frame as the woman emerges, slithering upon the bank like a sea monster approaching for a feast. Once she is fully upon the shore she gives her bodice a rough and unfeminine shake, sending showers of droplets each way. Cerulean blues turn to the boy, steeled gaze hoping to hold uncomfortably long.