
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]


08-01-2017, 12:05 AM
Fern figured her attack wouldn't hit. It was just a distraction, really. The problem was that the female was a lot more skilled than Fern had anticipated.
She couldn't be much more than a yearling, and yet she knew moves that surprised Fern. She had always considered herself skilled in battle, and yet... pack wolves fought so much better than the rogues and loners she had fought in the past.
No matter. She was but a pawn for Dragon to use as he wished. And right now, defending him was her sole purpose, whatever the cost.
She expected the girl to move out of the way, not come charging at her like an enraged hornet, cusses spilling from her mouth.
The enemy thrust her right shoulder forwards, seeming to aim for Fern's right flank. Not only that but, judging from her position, there was more coming. This wolf had some battle experience, for sure.
Fern kept her head scrunched back, lest the enemy attempt to go for her throat. Her ears were set back, close to her head, both in rage and for protection. As she ran, she shortened her strides so that her hindquarters were more frequently covering her tuck-up and the back half of her belly, lest the jewel-eyed female attack there. Her weight was distributed as any running canine's would be-- moving from front legs to back legs with each stride.
All this was done in less than three seconds. The girl was quite close now, and her gaze was focused on Fern's tuck-up. She was definitely aiming for that area. Hoping to disembowel Fern? As if she'd let that happen.
Fern slowed her strides down. She knew she couldn't evade, but instead, she hoped to keep the enemy from hitting her vitals. Slowing down put most of her weight on her hind legs, unfortunately, and Fern hoped she'd be able to stay balanced when the attack hit.
As she had hoped, the girl came in a fury, but missed her mark. Instead, her shoulder point slammed into the front area of Fern's right ribcage, where it extended outward before curving back in towards her spine. It hurt, and there was definitely going to be a sizeable bruise the next day. Fern guessed it was on the heavier side of moderate, or the lighter side of heavy. Not enough to seriously hinder her next attack, though. It did, however, knock her to the left, and Fern stumbled to the side. This, fortunately, saved her from the jaws of the attacker. She heard the distinct click of teeth, and saw that the dark female had just barely missed the sensitive skin of her tuck-up. It seemed that Fern's ribcage wasn't enough of an obstacle and the female's momentum had kept her going, continuing with the planned attack. It was by pure luck and happenstance that Fern evaded that injury. She felt a sting, though, just below her right hock, and came to realize the enemy had attempted to hook her paw around Fern's left hindquarters, but due to her stumble, had missed and instead managed to scratch her right hind leg. She suspected that it drew blood, but was just an external injury, and hadn't cut any tendons.
Now it was Fern's turn to attack.
As the two wolves were making a near 90-degree angle, Fern figured that she'd have to move fast, so she did. Keeping all her previously stated defenses, Fern managed to right herself, evenly distributing her weight on all four paws, which were just wider than shoulder-width apart. She pivoted then on her left hind paw, swinging right to face the she-wolf.
Then she sprang at her, hoping to wrap her left front leg over the girl's nape where the shoulder meets neck. She then would lunge for the enemy's face, wanting to clamp down on her muzzle and bite down to scar it and cause some damage to the bone structure. Her other leg would stay planted on the ground, face turned up so most of the force in her jaws was on the right side, allowing her to stay upright. Her hind legs would be slightly wider than hip-distance apart, with her weight evenly distributed upon them.

Fern and Dragon vs Justice and Regulus for maim (Moderate muzzle scarring Justice)
Round 2/2
Height: 31"
Build: Medium