
Looks Are Decieving


07-01-2013, 01:11 PM

His eyes eyes the girls fluffy mane around her neck. It embraced her entire being, it stuck out like a sore thumb. And even though she tried to lick it down like a cat, it seemed untamable. But Rum hasn't paid too much attention to it, nor did he make a face at the crazy fur.

"I'm um.. Rumb--"

His voice cut off, he absolutely hated his actual name. That's why he had shortened it. He didn't know why he was about to speak Rumble, he hadn't told anyone that since he was a very young pup. When he used to jump with excitement and wanted to go out and explore like the other pups did. Something changed him though, he wasn't quite sure why he turned into a cold hearted jerk. Or why he hated other so much, why he didn't want to talk to anyone anymore. Maybe he realized that he didn't have a father, and that someday he was destined to be one. But how could he be a figure that he couldn't act, or something he never learned to be?

"Rum. My name is Rum."

The moon had finally become bright enough to fill the whole sky with its tiny star children. And the lake reflected off a beautiful grey light that lit up the entire land. Rum was looking up at the stars, trying to avoid any serious eye contact with the female. His eyes were then searching the countless stars that splattered across the blackened endless sky.