
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
08-01-2017, 01:08 PM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

They collided, Dómari's chest slammed into Ramsay's and Dómari knew he'd receive moderate bruising to his own chest in return for his attack but it was well worth it.  His forelegs wrapped around Ramsay exactly where he'd wanted and he could feel the other male starting to tip.  Dómari bent his knees and hopped forward as Ramsay began to fall onto his back, tucking his tail swiftly between his legs and keeping his abdomen tight, Domari sought to keep them in close contact, pressed into each other, so he could use his weight to his advantage and follow Ramsay down.  It had been his goal after all, to tip his opponent, and he was more than ready for when that moment came.  Dómari attempted to keep his left foreleg tightly against Ramsay's right side, just under his right armpit to act as a partial guide for the fall but he swiftly shifted his right foreleg seeking to pull the limb in and slide it up the underside of Ramsay's neck, seeking to press his right forepaw on the center of Ramsay's throat while keeping the back of the forelimb pressed into the underside of the man's neck to help minimize the limb as a target should Ramsay try to bite back.  Dómari hopped that by focusing his weight onto that point and allowing gravity to bring him crashing on top of his opponent he could severely bruise the man's trachea and neck.

As they fell Ramsay shifted his head and Dómari's bite was displaced, his upper fangs digging into the middle of Ramsay's head and the lower fangs landing in the man's left temple, leaving severe puncture wounds. Dómari knew the location was no good for a hold and so abandoned his original goal of lacerations in favor of trying to counter Ramsay's jaws which were swiftly twisting back toward him.  Dómari retracted his head, tucking his chin sharply and diving his jaws down to meet Ramsay's which were seeking the Celestian's throat.  Dómari sought to snag the man's lower jaw in between his own.  As their jaws were perpendicular Dómari aimed for his upper fangs to land on the left side of Ramsay's lower jaw and his lower fangs on the right side of Ramsay's lower jaw, right in the middle.  He wanted to seize the man's lower jaw in a crushing grip with enough power to gain a solid hold and hopefully fracture the appendage.

Ramsay's hindlegs struck Dómari's tail which was tucked protectively over his groin and underbelly, causing severe bruising to his tucked tail, which bore the brunt of the attack, and put pressure on his groin but with them in such close quarters there wasn't enough pain caused by the kick to make Dómari back off.  His shoulders were rolled forward, hackles still standing on end and his ears pinned tightly to his head. Domari sought to have his weight bearing down on Ramsay, chest and belly pressing into the others chest and belly.  Dómari's hind legs were tightly crouched, toes splayed and claws digging into dirt as he sought to rest the weight of his lower half on Ramsay's hindlegs to limit the motion of his kicks.

Ramsay vs Domari for Maim [Crippling of lower jaw and severe facial scarring]
Round 2 of 3
Height: 37"
Build: Heavy