
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



6 Years

08-01-2017, 07:13 PM
Steel got no satisfaction out of the way his teeth snagged the edge of Exodus’ folded right ear. He was instantly rewarded with the feeling of blood trickling through his teeth, as Exodus side-stepped his snapping jaws and avoided much of the bite. As Steel pushed forward, aiming his shoulder to collide with Exodus’, he tried to keep an even stance still with his legs spread as best as he could, lips curling and snout wrinkling as he felt the other male pull away from the full force of the attack. As some of the initial adrenaline began to fade he could feel the injuries left by Exodus began to make themselves apparent as a flash of white-hot pain shot through the right side of his face - the extent of the injuries, though, he was uncertain of.

As Steel felt his opponent shift, he kept his head lowered - aligning it with his spine and tail, which occasionally lashed out behind him to aid in his balance - and let his claws flex slightly into the earth, hoping to keep traction. He felt the pressure of Exodus against him as the other male used his weight to push off his back legs, pummeling forward with his chest to collide with his shoulder. The pain was steady, and Steel attempted to rear back slightly on his hind legs and then push back against him, to keep his balance instead of being sent toppling backwards.

He didn’t fully expect to feel one of his opponent’s paws lashing out to hook around his own, and for a second he found himself stumbling slightly, shifting back to lean more on his back limbs to avoid falling to the ground. Since he was pushed hard up against him, though, he didn’t have time to react before he felt teeth digging deep into his right shoulder. His instinct was to jerk away, but he knew that would cause more damage than was necessary. Instead he kept his head lowered, chin tucked down slightly to protect his more vital areas. He knew nothing about these wolves, and since Talis were the invaders here he would put nothing past the wolves wanting to defend their home. But it seemed Exodus merely wanted Steel to forfeit, not to die, and he had similar intentions. Deal with this one first, then make sure his children and wife were all in one piece.

The thought of them being harmed made another rush of adrenaline pump through him, as he felt the sharp sting of the fresh wounds of his shoulder. In retaliation he tilted his head to the side, a snarl leaving his throat as he aimed to push roughly forward - into the bite, which caused an immediate and sharp yowl of pain and frustration - but it also gave him enough room to aim for his jaws to open and close down against the top flesh of Exodus’s right forelimb, aiming to bite where the bone sat in its joint, hoping it was enough pressure to force him to relinquish his hold on his shoulder.

Steel vs. Exodus for Maim (Facial scarring)
Round 2/2
Height: 36"
Build: Medium