
The Same old Song and Dance



07-01-2013, 01:16 PM


Song smiled, waiting for the she wolf to reply to her question, that was when she heard the hoof steps. Her head and ears moved to face the sound directly, just to make sure it really was what she had believed. Before she could move Aurora was like a flash, her body low, ready to spring on the unsuspecting animal. She sprang, and with that all three beings started to run. Song let loose, her limbs reached their full length as she tore through the loose snow.
She brought herself up to the dueling titans, taking Aurora's lead she used her own jaws of death to bite at the creatures legs. Instead of grabbing at flesh she aimed for its heels, wary of its dangerous kick. The creature kicked back suddenly, Song's head was missed by inches. A growl rumbled from her chest as her partner backed off, allowing her to take the killing blow.
With a great leap she positioned herself in front of the injured creature, its eyes were full of fear and pain. She felt a moment of sympathy for the animal, but she had to feed herself, and with its body the deer would feed her pack as well. Thank you. Her voice was soft as she used her powerful hind legs to propel her forward. With her jaws open wide she latched onto the white throat. Target attained she pulled her jaws together as hard she could, with all of her feet on the ground she pulled. A loud pop was heard and the animal ceased to move. It head and neck still in the pearl she wolf's jaws.

Tagged: Aurora | <3: Wolfie