
Who wishes upon a night


07-01-2013, 01:18 PM

Patrolling. It was a good way for him to occupy the insane amount of time he had now with Desdemona always away for pack business. But he was getting antsy. Extremely antsy. His wife was due any day now, but she insisted that she still needed to go out and take care of the pack. He'd tried to talk some sense into her, telling her that right now, her safety and the well-being of their children was much more important than anything in the pack. The pack wasn't going to self-combust just because she wasn't attending to it. But she wouldn't relent and so the ivory man wouldn't persist. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to worry. He would always worry. It came with the job description of being her husband.

Powerful porcelain limbs carried the man through the Tortugan territory, his intent the borders. He wasn't sure where the secondary alpha Nnoitra had gone, but he was missing in action. There was really no one around that held any kind of high rank to possibly allow possible members to join, since Desdemona had demoted everyone. So Demonio took it upon himself to patrol his homeland, guard it from possible intruders and to speak to any wolves looking to become a part of the pack. He had been running into a lot of members lately, so he was expecting to run into someone today. There was no surprise when he got a whiff of a Tortuga wandering the area, a brute at that. Wanting to know who else was patrolling, the white man spurred himself forward, mismatched gaze spotting the rusty figure of the man ahead. Hello there! He called out to his fellow packmate, coming to a stop several yards away.

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