
all of your glory



2 Years
08-03-2017, 07:54 AM
Jade was torn between the attitudes of both her parents. Her father was far more cautious and distrusting, while her mother was more social.. she hung somewhere in the middle, uncertain about this brute but also too curious to turn away. But she was no fool, despite being somewhat flighty, and she kept a safe distance away from the strange wolf with his even stranger headpiece.  "Thank you, Grim," Jade replied gently, using the name he'd said he preferred. It was quite different from Rahaevor, but whatever - to each their own, right? Maybe he just didn't like the name he'd been given.

Her ears flicked slightly at his question.  "I don't," the girl responded, a bit sadly, wishing she did. He looked awfully hungry - and though at the mention of food she felt a soft rumbling in her stomach, she doubted her hunger came close to comparing to his judging by the way his ribs protruded from beneath him. "Perhaps I could help you find something, though?" He had the scent of a rogue, with no pack to assist him in hunting - she could go without eating for a bit to find him something to snack on, right? There seemed little harm in that.

She forced a small smile as she watched him, shrugging her slender shoulders. His story made sense, and she felt empathetic toward his tale. "I'm sorry to hear all that," she offered softly after a moment. Her life had no misfortune such as his, and she felt badly for him; hopefully she could help him, even if just a bit, and get some energy back in him.