
Living like spoiled royalty



3 Years
08-03-2017, 02:35 PM

Ah, so she was torturing him this was because it was fun for her. Well that made things a lot better. Alarik had trouble holding back another annoyed sigh. Normally, he was more of a gentleman, especially in the presence of a lady. But this vixen hardly qualified as a lady.

And what did she mean when she said he was quite cute for a mortal? Did she believe herself to be more than mortal? But, wait. That sounded familiar. And when he forced himself to push past the smell of her heat, he noticed something was familiar about her. Something reminded him of the woman he had spent some time with less than a week ago. Pyralis Abraxas. This woman must be of Abraxas blood as well. Was this what the rest of the family was like? Or were they more like Pyralis?

For the sake of every male in a five mile radius, Alarik hoped the majority of the family was like Pyralis. Then again, she had pups of her own. Had she used tactics similar to this in order to obtain those pups? Obtain. Ugh, he practically shuddered at the word. "I'm familiar with your kin," he responded, when she spoke of the fallen god they descended from. Definitely Abraxas. According to this woman, Pyralis was her cousin. "Yes, I met Pyralis. We spent a couple of days together, hunting and then making our way to this area. But I left her several days ago, and haven't seen or spoken to her since."

"No offense, but she had a bit more dignity than you." The look of distaste was clear on his face, wrinkled nose and all. Alright, so he was being rude. It was unlike him. But her constant lingering scent was making him, well, a bit irritable.

When could he get out of here?

"Talk" "You" Think